Solaris General Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

how to configure remote console login for a server sunfire v440 or v490?

Satyam, Wipro,

3 11943

how to know kernel architecture of solaris ? isainfo -v ? or prtconf -v

Satyam, Wipro,

4 17782

how to know which version of solaris is installed? uname –a /etc/release

Satyam, Wipro,

3 5778

major diffences b/w solars 9 & 10?

Satyam, Wipro,

10 11128

ndd -get /dev/hme0 link-mode

Satyam, Wipro,

3 5883

solaris booting process.

HCL, Satyam, Wipro,

4 8520

what are bootloaders in solaris booting? bootblk, ufsboot

Satyam, Wipro,

3 10119

what are the daemons running In NIS? how to do u create NIS users and update Maps?

Satyam, Wipro,

5 11830

what is multihomed system?

Satyam, Wipro,

2 5678

Explain the more details of vmstat output?


2 8974

what is the difference between sc> and lom> ?

2 6227

what is the difference between svm and vxvm

Infosys, Tech Mahindra, VxVM,

4 17934

How to discover Global zone name from local Zone?

4 10791

How to set the path for core file?


2 7492

How many types of file system?

Blue Dart,

12 18935

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Un-Answered Questions { Solaris General }

What causes the rpc.ttdbserverd process to be cpu bound? How can it be rectified?


What causes the rpc.ttdbserverd process to be cpu bound?


How can a user increase the number of pseudo-ttys? what is their use?


Tell me how to discover global zone name from local zone?


What do you understand by irq assignments?


How can a user login to solaris?


How can threads be created in a solaris environment? Write an example


How to solve the system hang issue. Found that the memory state is free, commands to check and solve the issue?


What is the login shell?


What do you understand by mail aliases?


Tell me how many types of file system?


How to solve the system hang issue.


How does a solaris cluster work?


What are nis daemons?


In solaris 10 root Disk is 98% full what steps to be taken?