CAT Interview Questions
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Find the least number which when divided by 25, 40 and 60, leaves the remainder 7 in each case

11 47311

Determine the smallest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by 10, 15 and 20

7 17239

Hi this is tejal pls send me last 5 years probationary exam papers of SBI and bank of baroda. my emil id is

1 3415

what is site for group2 duplicate halltickete


What is Globalisation?

3 4527

what are the requirements for cat

State Bank Of India SBI,

3 7072

i am preparing for gate so pls ans me how i passed this


whyy do u want to join mfc


why do you want to do mba? even if you are from science sector?

1 3479

what is Data replication and why is considered important for large database today?

1 3299

what danger and problems are there in attemping to forge links between database kept by different business organizations?


who said , " give me somewhere to stand and i will move the world"

1 4265

there is a institute of symbosis university wherein children of army personel have reserved seats. pls confirm which one is it and the examination schdule


Brazil is known for its production of

3 5434

Student of NIIT persuing BSC(IT), are eligible to take admission in management colleges through cat...


1 5048

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in whose name is the one rupee currency issued in india


Find the least number which when divided by 12,16 and 36 leaves remainder 7 in each case


what is democratic right


all cat related question


who are the Sultan Mirzza


write a progrram in c find out gretest num among five num without using if else statement ,switch case,nd control statement


wrong number in series is 1,6,33,165,740,2970,10395


which economic plan of india has the objective to achieve "growth with equity".


What is VDA & DA Full Form?


would you provide me the answer of the previous year question of the year 2012 of Assistant Provident fund commissioner


Hello friends, Can someone provide me a link to RS Aggarwal Verbal and Non Verbal reasoning book? Thanks,


A father has three daughters find out the age of three daughters ? 1-the product of their age is 36. 2-the sum of their age is equal to your house number . 3-my eldest daughter has green eyes.


The characters of the c program to receive input from and send to function, this function will check if the characters between letters a to z as y is the output characters to the main function and otherwise, return to the main function of the y characters.


What are your suggestions for making workers participation more affective in an IT industry?


Hi frnds, can u suggest me good institutes in vizag for GROUP1?