Programming Code Interview Questions
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To reverse an entire text file into another text file.... get d file names in cmd line



Data Reader Vs DataSet


5 7357

#include //main() //{ class A { friend class B; public: void read(); }; class B { public : int a,b; }; void A::read() { cout<<"welcome"; } main() { A x; B y;; } In the above program......, as B is a friend of A B can have access to all members,i cant access . could you please tell me the reason and what would i code to execute this program?

2 5572

1.program to add any two objects using operator overloading 2.program to add any two objects using constructors 3.program to add any two objects using binary operator 4.program to add any two objects using unary operator


2 22962

Implement a command console for changing settings on a particular object. The command console should allow you to enter a string and will return the response (very similar to a terminal session). The commands are as follows: SET propertyname=newvalue will change the target object’s member named “propertyname” to have a value equal to “newvalue”. If the input value is incompatible (i.e. an int being set to a string), print out an appropriate error message. GET propertyname will print out the current value of the target object’s member named “propertyname”. GET * will print out a list of all target object members and their current values. The system should be extensible for future commands and should accept an arbitrary object, such that another developer could insert another object into the system and rely on the command console to get and set the properties correctly.

ABC, Guidance Software,


WORKING STORAGE 01 WS-LENGTH PIC 9(1) VALUE 5. 01 DFHCOMMAREA. COPY ABCDEF (COPYBOOK ABCDEF IS HAVING ONLY ONE VARIABLE OF LENGTH X (100).) .. PROCEDUER DIVISION. ... EXEC CICS XCTL PROGRAM (WS-PGM) COMMAREA (DFHCOMMAREA) LENGTH (WS-LENGTH) RESP (WC-RESPONSE) END-EXEC 1. What will be the value of EIBCALEN in program ABCDEF? 2. What will be length of commarea when in ABCDEF? 3. Will such a code thow any error while linking to called program? Thanks in Advance


how to upload an excel in c# ASP.Net?

3 8366

Listview design in .net

1 6846

ArrayList declaration in .net


working with fileUpload ?

1 4679

working with arrays

1 3112

Can you declare an array of mixed Types?


1 5231

what full form name of B.K.U.


DAL in oracle

1 4716

hold checkbox values

4 7374

Un-Answered Questions { Programming Code }

How to Split Strings with Regex in Managed C++ Applications?


Create a program to read two random data set in two files named data1.txt and data2.txt manifold contains integer numbers, whereas data2.txt file contains the float type numbers. Simpanlahmasing each into 2 pieces of data that is an array of type integer array and an array of type float, then calculate the average numbers in the second array.


I have a file which contains so many lines and variable number of lines are treated as a record. For example *first ooooo xxxxx ttttt mmmm vvvvvvv *end uuu bbbb *first kkkkvvvvvv nnnn mmmmm kkkkk fffff gggg ffff kkkk lllll *end. Here the lines from *first to *end are treated as a record. The number of lines between *first and *end is not same for all the records. Suppose there are 100 records (or number of records are not predefined)like the format given in the above example. Now the entire file needs to split into two files, first having 40 and remaining in the second file. Can we split using sort utility? If possible then what is the sort card?


write a program to convert temperature from fa height into celcius and vise versa,use modular programming


Write a program to model an exploding firecracker in the xy plane using a particle system


A game that has five levels of play has the score for each level stored in an array. You are to write a program that goes through that array and finds: a) the minimum score, and the level at which it occurred b) the maximum score, and the level at which it occurred c)the average score for all five levels The score data you must use for this program are as follows: Game Level Score 1 450 2 316 3 148 Stack implementations is mandatory.


What is the functionality of GetDesktopWindow?


I have multiple datasets and I have to search a particular string in all of them at a single time. Please suggest a full jcl or rexx tool for it.


How to Check if Folder Exists?


can you please write a program for deadlock that can detect deadlock and to prevent deadlock.


how to diplay a external image of output on winxp by using c & c++,


Beautiful is for 012345678 9 and a code for similar word containing the same alphabets


Set up procedure for generating a wire frame display of a polyhedron with the hidden edges of the object drawn with dashed lines


i am doing my final year project about programming use verilog ,i am new about it so got problem,i want to record the readings of a waveform every 2us use the verilog code ,every ten readings i need to add them together after that i need to compare this series of number to get which one is the biggest , right now i don't know how to use code to store the readings every 2us on a waveform ,pls help me thanks a lot .


how to create a search bar which access data from various websites and retrieves the data