Code Snippets Interview Questions
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how can we close a web page in without using jscript?

4 26315

what is the best algorithm to sort out unique words from a list of more than 10 million words(1 crore+)? we need the best technique in the terms of execution time.


9 17197

How to Add Message and Confirmation Boxes Using JavaScript?

1 7872

How to Create a Treeview Menu in ASP.NET with C#?

1 12542

How to use ASP.NET 2.0's TreeView to Display Hierarchical Data?

1 6285

Automatically Hyperlink URLs and E-Mail Addresses in ASP.NET Pages with C#

1 4773

Event Handling in C# Triggering a Button

1 6052

Give the code for Handling Mouse Events?


Code for Reading and writing from a file in c#?

1 3877

Coding for using Nullable Types in C#?

1 4939

Coding for Manipulate XML File Data Using C#?

1 7894

Code for Creating a Form Using PlaceHolder Controls?

Arena, JSA,


How to get Dynamically Linked Comboboxes Set?



How to Snap the Cursor to a Button?

1 3145

How to use Client-side Script to Focus Controls in ASP.NET?


Un-Answered Questions { Code Snippets }

write a program that prompt the user to enter his height and weight,then calculate the body mass index and show the algorithm used


How can I include conditional statements in XML?


i am doing my final year project about programming use verilog ,i am new about it so got problem,i want to record the readings of a waveform every 2us use the verilog code ,every ten readings i need to add them together after that i need to compare this series of number to get which one is the biggest , right now i don't know how to use code to store the readings every 2us on a waveform ,pls help me thanks a lot .


How do you verify if the two sentences/phrases input is an anagram using predefined functions in string.h and by using arrays?


Can you send Code for Run Length Encoding Of BMP Image in C Language in linux(i.e Compression and Decompression) ?


design a class car having variables model, yr_of_manufacture, owner,reg_no. Design methods for assigning the values, Printing the values( you decide gui,control, any other methods if require)


How to store the iterations value in some variable/ in excel? Dim objExcel, ObjFolder, objPath, objWorkbook, objSheet, ObjFSo, ObjFolderName, strExcelPath Const xlExcel7 = 39 ObjFolderName = "Testing" & Hour(time()) & Minute(time()) &Second(time()) objPath = "D:\" strExcelPath = objPath & ObjFolderName & "\testing.xls" Set ObjFSo = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(objPath & ObjFolderName) On Error Resume Next Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") If (Err.Number <> 0) Then On Error GoTo 0 Wscript.Echo "Excel application not found." Wscript.Quit End If On Error GoTo 0 Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add() Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1) Dim arr1, arr2, arr3 Set outputLines = CreateObject ("System.Collections.ArrayList") arr1 = 123arr2 = 99 arr3 = 10 outputLines.Add arr1 outputLines.Add arr2 outputLines.Add arr3 outputLines.Sort() For Each outputLine in outputLines WScript.Echo outputLine ' how to store this value in excel/ variable? Next objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strExcelPath, xlExcel7 objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Close objExcel.Application.Quit This above code is working fine but the qs is is there any way to store the sort data in variables / in the excel and how?


find out the list of users who have access to all t-codes starts with 'SU'? thanks in advance all.


Write code to make an object work like a 2-d array?


plzzzzzzzzz xplain this code import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.MenuItem.*; import java.sql.*; import sun.jdbc.odbc.*; import*; public class ShopDelivery extends Frame implements ActionListener { Label l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8,l9,l10,l11,l12,l13; Button exit,save,next,top,prev,botm,ad,show; TextField txtCMemoNo,txtConsNo,txtCMemoDt,txtConsName,txtAddr1,txtPhNo ,txtBookDtold,txtPrintDt,txtOldCMemNo,txtOldDlryDt,adr2,adr3 ,tot,stnry,rmrk; String ConsName; String Addr1; public static void main(String sr[]) { new ShopDelivery().setVisible(true); } public ShopDelivery() { super("Shop Delivery"); Statement stmt; ResultSet rs; //PreparedStatement pst; Connection con; try { Class.forName ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); if (con!=null); System.out.println ("connected"); stmt =con.createStatement (); } catch(Exception e1) { System.out.println (e1); } setSize(1280,800); setBackground(Color.CYAN); setLayout(null); l1=new Label("Cashmemo No"); l1.setBounds(260,60,90,30); l1.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l1.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l1); l2=new Label("CONSMR NO"); l2.setBounds(30,60,90,30); l2.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l2.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l2); l3=new Label("Book DATE"); l3.setBounds(520,60,90,30); l3.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l3.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l3); l4=new Label("NAME"); l4.setBounds(30,150,45,30); l4.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l4.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l4); l5=new Label("ADRS"); l5.setBounds(30,220,45,30); l5.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l5.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l5); l6=new Label("PH NO"); l6.setBounds(500,150,45,30); l6.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l6.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l6); l7=new Label("OldBkDt"); l7.setBounds(30,390,55,30); l7.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l7.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l7); l8=new Label("Print Date"); l8.setBounds(320,390,65,30); l8.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l8.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l8); l9=new Label("CMemo No"); l9.setBounds(700,390,65,30); l9.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l9.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l9); l10=new Label("Del Date"); l10.setBounds(550,390,55,30); l10.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l10.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l10); l13=new Label("REMARKS"); l13.setBounds (30,630,85,30); l13.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l13.setAlignment (Label.CENTER); add(l13); txtCMemoNo=new TextField(); txtCMemoNo.setBounds(375,60,80,30); txtCMemoNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtCMemoNo); txtConsNo=new TextField(); txtConsNo.setBounds(130,60,80,30); txtConsNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtConsNo); txtCMemoDt=new TextField(); txtCMemoDt.setBounds(635,60,80,30); txtCMemoDt.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtCMemoDt); txtConsName=new TextField(); txtConsName.setBounds(100,150,200,30); txtConsName.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtConsName); txtAddr1=new TextField(); txtAddr1.setBounds(100,220,350,30); txtAddr1.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtAddr1); adr2=new TextField(); adr2.setBounds(100,250,350,30); adr2.setBackground(Color.white); add(adr2); adr3=new TextField(); adr3.setBounds(100,280,350,30); adr3.setBackground(Color.white); add(adr3); txtPhNo=new TextField(); txtPhNo.setBounds(570,150,150,30); txtPhNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtPhNo); txtBookDtold=new TextField(); txtBookDtold.setBounds(30,440,60,30); txtBookDtold.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtBookDtold); txtPrintDt=new TextField(); txtPrintDt.setBounds(320,440,60,30); txtPrintDt.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtPrintDt); txtOldCMemNo=new TextField(); txtOldCMemNo.setBounds(700,440,60,30); txtOldCMemNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtOldCMemNo); txtOldDlryDt=new TextField(); txtOldDlryDt.setBounds(550,440,60,30); txtOldDlryDt.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtOldDlryDt); rmrk=new TextField(); rmrk.setBounds(140,630,600,30); rmrk.setBackground(Color.white); add(rmrk); exit=new Button("EXIT"); exit.setBackground(; exit.setBounds(760,700,40,40); exit.addActionListener(this); add(exit); save=new Button("SAVE"); save.setBackground(; save.setBounds(715,700,40,40); save.addActionListener(this); add(save); next=new Button("NEXT"); next.setBackground(; next.setBounds(90,700,40,40); next.addActionListener(this); add(next); top=new Button("TOP"); top.setBackground(; top.setBounds(0,700,40,40); top.addActionListener(this); add(top); prev=new Button("PREV"); prev.setBackground(; prev.setBounds(45,700,40,40); prev.addActionListener(this); add(prev); botm=new Button("BOTM"); botm.setBackground (; botm.setBounds (135,700,40,40); botm.addActionListener (this); add(botm); ad=new Button("ADD"); ad.setBackground (; ad.setBounds (300,700,40,40); ad.addActionListener (this); add(ad); show=new Button("SHOW"); show.setBackground (; show.setBounds (345,700,40,40); show.addActionListener (this); add(show); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(e.getSource()==exit) { this.dispose(); System.exit(0); } /*if(e.getSource()==save) { try { Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); PreparedStatement pst=con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO NewCon values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); pst.setInt (1,Integer.parseInt(txtConsNo.getText())); pst.setInt (2,Integer.parseInt(txtCMemoNo.getText())); pst.setString (3,txtCMemoDt.getText()); pst.setString (4,txtConsName.getText()); pst.setInt(5,Integer.parseInt (txtPhNo.getText())); pst.setString(6,txtAddr1.getText()); pst.setString(7,adr2.getText()); pst.setString(8,adr3.getText()); pst.setInt(9,Integer.parseInt (txtBookDtold.getText())); pst.setInt(10,Integer.parseInt (txtPrintDt.getText())); pst.setInt(11,Integer.parseInt (txtOldDlryDt.getText())); pst.setInt(12,Integer.parseInt (txtCMemoNo.getText())); pst.setInt(13,Integer.parseInt (tot.getText())); pst.setInt(14,Integer.parseInt (stnry.getText())); pst.setString(15,rmrk.getText()); pst.executeUpdate (); con.close(); } catch(Exception e2) {System.out.println(e2);} //cs(txtConsName.getText (),txtAddr1.getText()); }*/ if(e.getSource()==ad) { try { txtCMemoNo.setText(""); txtCMemoDt.setText(""); txtConsName.setText(""); txtAddr1.setText(""); txtPhNo.setText(""); txtBookDtold.setText(""); txtPrintDt.setText(""); //txtCMemoNo.setText(""); txtOldDlryDt.setText(""); adr2.setText(""); adr3.setText(""); tot.setText(""); //stnry.setText(""); //rmrk.setText(""); Connection con1=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); Statement stmt1=con1.createStatement(); ResultSet rs1=stmt1.executeQuery("SELECT Max(Cons_No) FROM NewCon"); int nextcono = rs1.getInt ("Cons_No"); System.out.println (nextcono); nextcono=nextcono+1; txtConsNo.setText ("nextcono"); con1.close(); } catch(Exception e4){} } } }


Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and checks if the InnoDB plug-in is installed on it. If so, your program should print the total number of disk writes by MySQL.


how to programme using switch statements and fuctions, a programme that will output two even numbers, two odd numbers and two prime numbers of the users chioce.


how to transform XML Data into HTML


code to set the main window's size


Write a script to delete all the files in a folder except one desired file.