Code Snippets Interview Questions
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How can I Draw an ellipse in 3d space and color it by using graph3d?


how to change password in .net with c # with and also SQL server 2008 change password

1 7412

main() { int c[ ]={2.8,3.4,4,6.7,5}; int j,*p=c,*q=c; for(j=0;j<5;j++) { printf(" %d ",*c); ++q; } for(j=0;j<5;j++){ printf(" %d ",*p); ++p; } }

CSS, Wipro,

2 9367

3. Program to find the Sum of give series. a. (1)+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+(1+2+3+4)+……………………………….. b. 1/1+1/9+1/25+1/49+……………...


how to diplay a external image of output on winxp by using c & c++,


swap two no without using third variable

7 12996

what is runtime class?



Write a program to enter 10 number of integer entries into an array n and then odds up all the odd entries. the program then displays the result. plssss answer assss fast asss u can...

1 12991

how can i split sting in textbox in windows application using c# .net

2 11587

How do you create a really large matrix (i.e. 3500x3500) in C without having the program crash? I can only reach up to 2500. It must have something to do with lack of memory. Please help!

1 6156

Write a program that takes a 3 digit number n and finds out whether the number 2^n + 1 is prime, or if it is not prime find out its factors.


2 12834

Write a program in prolog to compute the factorial of a number using iteration/tail recursion?

1 13133

problem no.3 - write a program using two dimentional arrays that compute the sum of data in rows and sum of data in columns of the 3*3 array variable. sample input/output dialog 5 9 8 = 22 3 8 2 = 13 4 3 9 = 16 _____________ 12 20 19


4 8716

how to test the orientation of the layout in note any changes in the ui design when change orientation


Under linux environment can u please provide a c code for computing sum of series 1-2+3-4+5......n terms and -1+2-3+4-5...n terms..

2 4803

Un-Answered Questions { Code Snippets }

Write a Program to find the sum of digits of a given number until the sum becomes a single digit.


Can someone please explain more about how the XML Gateway works and what its purpose is?


How many digit have a Polaris 1995 300c.c. 2x4 nad how many have a Polaris 2007 300 c.c 2x4? And what site I can check this information???


Is there any static classes are in java give some examples


What are the disadvantages of XML?


What is xml schema?


write a function to give demostrate the functionality of 3d in 1d. function prototye: change(int value,int indexX,int indexY,int indexZ, int [] 1dArray); value=what is the date; indexX=x-asix indexY=y-axis indexZ=z-axis and 1dArray=in which and where the value is stored??


i have a gird with columns all are coming from database,this will bind in item templete in gridview as textboxex.and i have button below named Update.i want to update all the records in the grid,but if user change the value of one textbox,what is the easy way 2 do this


How to print sum of the numbers starting from 1 to 100?


Write a python program to check if a string is a palindrome or not?


how to Auto Scroll the page


plz send code for manage group of hotels in j2ee frontend:J2EE Backend: DB2 Express


How do you set a global variable inside a function?


code to detect versions of different browsers like internet explorer, netscape, mozilla, opera etc


can you use proc sql to manpulate a data set or would u prefer to use proc report ? if so why ? make up an example and explain in detail