Manual Testing Interview Questions
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On Registration Form, if some fields are not mandatory to fill then those fields can accept any invalid input. OR there may have some validation. E.g. Email id field - Not mandatory to fill. If user enter Email id = 453454 should it accept?

1 5169

Are all special characters are used in email id? My question is - If I enter *,#$ in email id should it accept?

1 3887

if you have a test cases please send me on thanks in advance.


while reading srs document if you will get any doubt, what you will do?


7 9033

What is QTP? What is Regression and retest? What is end to end testing? What is Latest QTP version and TD version? TD is test mgmt tool or resource mgmt tool? Why QTP and WR is called mercury interactive tool? Difference between end to end and system testing? Types of Testing performed in your project? What is testing component? What is test script?

Cap Gemini,

2 5791

What is the difference between Test Management tools and Defect Management tools? What are the most widely used Test Management tools?


2 20972

what is different Between Risk and Issue ?

Tech Mahindra,

3 9083

what is effect variance ,Budget variance , Schedule Variance , Defect Density ?

Tech Mahindra,

3 19972

What is Rekey Defect?

ABC, Tech Mahindra,

1 9262

Explain V model in depth?

Tech Mahindra,

2 7391

What are the various Guidelines follow while Weighting Test Cases

Tech Mahindra,

1 6612

which are the different types testing tools are available and which tool is mostly used in industry

3 6472

how do we know our perticular task is compltely tested or not

2 4203

what is srs or brs file

7 10758

how we can define bug is an valid bug


3 7793

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What are the various techniques in white box testing?


whar are the contents in db testing test case template


What is build interval period?


What type of projects can include in Logistics Domain? and what is the type of domain for project which include Driving license renewal, Different type of title registration etc...


What are the various techniques in black box testing?


Difference between Re-testing and Regression testing?


How to write test case for view the table(i.e it is already stored in database and see the content in the table)


how will the test plan is pepared in ur organisation>?


how can you test the web environment for security testing?


What is verification in software testing?


how to test a store procedure?


What is the difference between static testing and dynamic testing?


What are the review documents used for testing?


what is the common in all s.o.p (standaed operating procedure)?


What is an end-to-end testing?