Manual Testing Interview Questions
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Once a bug is found how do u report it?wat is the process?

1 3957

Wat is the use of regression testing?is it needed to be done only if any functionality is included or in release of every build?

1 3795

From whom do u gather the use case document?

1 3442

Nowadays Product based testing is done is almost all companies. What does a "Product" actually means.

3 4704

Can any one explain the difference between test scenario and test case.

3 7475

Diference between sanity & somke testing?

6 6591

what the diff b/w Development costs Evolution costs


Can any one tell me the format/columns for writing test scenarios in excel sheet?

4 12095

What is meant by benchmark testing?


2 7289

What type of contribution provided by management Science and Decision Support Approach to the project management


What is CRUD testing


2 5677

What is limitation of v shaped model


2 6615

Hi, Anybody can explain me What is the Difference between 2- tier and 3-tier Architecture.


4 7788

How to write test condition for testing a URL??


3 15063

When a high severity issue is found in production how to handle this situation.


2 7471

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

any one please send me any test case examples with tabular columns in manual testing


Define brain stromming and cause effect graphing?


can you show me the test cases on registration form


What is coverage and what are the different types of coverage techniques?


hai friends, I need clarifications for some doubts in testing terminology. 1.What is thread testing. 2.What is bucket testing and which automated tool is used to do this test. 3. ERP testin automation testing. 4.What is Data Warehousing testing? 5.What is Implementation testing? 6.What is Shake out testing? please let me have the clarifications in detail


How does your preferred work style work with the ideal test-manager role that you just described? What is different between the way you work and the role you described?


When have you had to focus on data integrity?


When we use integration testing for any new system so why we required system testing.


Explain some techniques for developing software components with respect to testability.


structure of an incident report is covered in stand for software test document IEEE 829 and is called as?


how to explain banking domain project in testing?


hi, I m looking for a career in manual web testing. so PLZ anybody who have the practical knowledge of dis field help me. GIVE ME UR MAIL ID so that i can ask regarding some doubts. my MAIL ID is


Can anyone list out major scenarios for an application managing drug composition?


What type of metrics would you use?


What will be the QA roles and responsibilities in Health care stream like BCBS,can someone please explain me any example project regarding health care services in web-based application?