Manual Testing Interview Questions
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1.What is bidirectional traceability ??? and how it is implemented? 2.What is Automation Test frame work ? 3. Define the components present in test strategy? 4. Define the components present in test plan? 5. Have u written Test plan ?…. thank u!plz reply........



1.How will u write traceability matrix? 2.What is Test summary Report…? 3. What is Test Closure report…? 4.What are the Testing methodologies that u have followed in your project ? reply...............


1 11057

1.What is Traceability matrix and how it is done ? 2.What are the different levels of testing used during testing the application? 3.What is Traceability matrix and how it is done ? 4. How can you differentiate Severity and Priority based on technical and business point of view. plz do reply..............


3 9626

Hi could some one please send me the testplan testcases(for 2Modules) and testscripts for mercry fliht aplication or gmail. please write those on templates and send me.In testplan plase write Testobjective, test scope, est approach, exlusions assumptios.


which testing is done first smoke or sanity with an real time example plz?Thank u!


8 18936

If we got build [say 2.0]to test, we test it & maintain the log then we got same build [say 2.0] fixing bugs in the same version 2.0 again we test it .My question is How we maintain this second log of testing same build

1 3074

HI, I have joined in a new testing company. Can anyone suggest me how to go through all testing related web sites and become an expert in testing?

1 3282

what kind of document are follow to write test case ??can u tell me briefly

3 4451

what is test strategy,test plan and test policy?Does anyone have dummy documents or any links that gives more idea about these?I am a beginner...interested in learning more abt testing.plz help and encourage me........!


what r all the documents does the testers create? some saying testing document starts with test policy,what is all this things? Does anyone have example application to explain this document or any links,plz provide. Also,will someone tell me what is test methodology? kindly help me....thank u!

1 3757

please tell me about fish model which is used in sdlc model ,and also tell me about the founder of fish model and diagram of fish model and other things in details

Cap Gemini, IBM, Savitr, Syntel, Verizon,

10 22069

To write the test case for Login Window test condition is 'User must be created'so while writting test case for Login window may I have to write all steps of creating user or how should I write test cases


2 4962

How to write test cases for nevigating menus? Ex. Course -Topics -Subtopics



anyone ca explain Tracebility to involve on this.

2 4216


4 5414

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Can some one help me writing a manual test case for email applications like yahoo i need for


hi this is ashok , i never worked in medical domain , can any one pls send me with proper exaple pls Question is while emergency or normal patitent enter into hospital he entered his first and last name and he enter emergency coloumn , write test case on these ,


Hi All I want discuss abt Testing tools is any one available online in google chat?


what exactly is heuristic checklist approach for unit testing?


please anyone let me know the -ve testing of Excel sheet?


What is defect cascading in software testing?


When should you opt for manual testing over automation testing?


Changes and enhancements to system?


Can i get answers for telecom testing for eg telecom billing rating can be tested


How to test the below code and write test case? Prove that this code is wrong? int add(int a ,int b) {return a+b; }


Write UI Test case, Integration Test case, Functional Test case & Performance Test case for the File Menu for MS-Word?


write 5 critical test cases on product payment form on


What is the main use of preparing traceability matrix and explain the real time usage?


Give me an example of something you tried at work but did not work out so you had to go at things another way.


How to test the search functionality.For example in naukri advance search is ca i test that page.