Manual Testing Interview Questions
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can any tell me wht is difference between Quality Assurance, Quality Analysist? QA stands for Quality Assurance or Quality analysist?

3 5840

Iam searching for a job in manual testing(2.9yrs exp) i faced no.of interviews they r asking me to tell me about ur project iwant to know, for any type of the project what are the steps,contents we have to tell about. so pls send the detailed description of copies to my email id.

3 5794

Can any one explain in detail about HLDD(High level design document) and LLDD(Low level design document). general at point of time can testers use this. wht does this doc contain.

4 30213

what is the difference between system development life cycle & software development life cyle(sdlc) what is system development life cycle

A3Logics, IBM,

4 32471

There are 2 clients for a server and that clients can access the data from the server only for 10 days. so how will you test this scenario manually? Can u pls help me?..

eMids, TCS,

4 10031

How would u test and automate an Antivirus application ?



2. How would u test and automate Windows Screen saver ?

1 2652

3. How would u test and automate Windows Auto-Update featur

1 2595

a apllication is given to you but the requirements and functionalities are missing what will you do to start the testing?


10 11240

Hi i am srinivas working as testing engineer with one of cmm level3 company. i am looking to change for that i posted my resume in naukri i got mails about requirement but when i replyed mails no one call for interview .I applied from past 4 month but i am not geting any interview call . please tell me where is the problem.

2 6016

What is Usecase


6 8746

What is regression testing


13 12837

wat kinds of documents requied during regression testion ? at time regression testing is done? can we do it repeatdly

2 4783

how we do system testingf project?


3 5328

what is the testing approach for windows Explorer(Not IE Explorer)



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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What is formal testing?


what are the responsibilities for QA tester to test application on UNIX environment??? what skills required for unix???


What is the procedure of manual testing?


What is Snapshot Testing? When we need to do and who will involve in this process and also what is the output document of this testing


Can anyone tell me, What is wound fixing?


Why should you care about objects and object-oriented testing?


How to do the performance testing manually? Does you have a test case for that?


hello frens. Im Arun from the uk. im planning to apply for tester jobs with 3yrs experience. the problem is i dont have resumes. i have to mention atleast 3 projects (preferably financial projects) in my CV. im totally blank. can u plz send ur CV's to my email.... this would be a great help from you guyz. n u need any help from me? just mail me n ill get in touch with u. Thanx.


What r the things,u prefer and prepare before starting testing?


what is configuration management tool - send to what is testing senarios


i need manual testing interview questions for 2+ experience plzz help me..


What type of metrics would you use?


Write 10 test scenarios to test remember me checkbox present in login window


what is entry and exit criteria and explain it?


we are about to implement a Test tool to test the performance of website, so what script does a tester should know (friends plz help me)