Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions
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Explain what is backtracking in Prolog?

1 2678

Mention what is the difference between Prolog and normal programming language?

1 4543

Mention what is Cut (!) in Prolog and what is the advantage of ‘Cut’ and ‘Negation’?

1 2208

Mention why you have to use “is” instead of “=” in Prolog when it comes to applying calculation logic?

1 1614

 Explain where you use + operator in Prolog?

1 1589

 In “cuts” what is the Parent goal in Prolog?

1 1905

Explain with an example what is “Setof” predicate in Prolog?

1 1808

Explain what is the difference between bagof/3 and setof/3 predicate in Prolog?

1 2172

As you're starting work on your game, one of your colleagues suggests avoiding pathfinding completely, and just using potential fields for pathfinding and navigation. He suggests that you just overlay a big 2D grid over the world, with each cell indicating the distance to the nearest obstacle. Is his idea feasible? Why or why not? When would it cause problems? Regardless of the answer to that question, what are some of the other ways that such a system could be used?


You're implementing a medieval strategy game in which pikemen should always walk in front of archers, and catapults should always be behind the archers. Explain how you could implement the movement system to ensure that you keep pikemen in front and catapults in the rear as much as possible. Explain how your answer might be different depending on whether or not the units simply need to end up in that configuration when they reach that destination, or if they need to maintain that formation while moving.


You're tasked with implementing a crowd that walks around the streets of a city. Describe some ways you could implement this in a fast and efficient manner. How do you ensure that crowd members don't touch each other while moving? How do you get crowd members to get out of each others way, and ensure that no two crowd members can get stuck trying to get around each other?


What are the undesirable properties of knowledge?

1 8685

How should knowledge be represented to be used for an AI technique?

1 3662

How many types of entities are there in knowledge representation?

1 3670

What are the properties of a good knowledge representation system?

1 11842

Un-Answered Questions { Artificial Intelligence }

What are the cons of data mining?


What is the Difference between Inductive Learning and Analytical Learning in Machine Learning?


Do we have different selection biases, if yes, what are they?


What is bias – variance tradeoff?


What are interpolation and extrapolation?


What is the trade-off between bias and variance?


What is data pre-processing technique for machine learning?


What is random forests?


Differentiate supervised and unsupervised deep learning procedures.


What is data scientist?


How do you use lambda in python?


List some commercial practical applications of artificial neural networks?


What's google's artificial intelligence called?


How does data cleaning plays a vital role in analysis?


What is an important feature of model capacity?