Explain what is meant by a sandbox, why you would use one, and identify examples of sandboxes in the wild.
558What's the difference between a web server, web farm and web garden? How would your web application need to change for each?
556Have you developed software testing procedures for new systems and performed qa, quality assurance, or audits?
507What value do daily builds, automated testing, and peer reviews add to a project? What disadvantages are there?
536Describe the structure and contents of a design document, or a set of design documents, for a multi-tiered web application.
535If your database was under a lot of strain, what are the first few things you might consider to speed it up?
531Explain the concept of convention over configuration, and talk about an example of convention over configuration you have seen in the wild.
Define the 8085 instruction format and their classification according to word size?
what is logical address?
What are wait states in microprocessors?
Significance of watchdog timer in embedded systems.
What are the various regions of operation of mosfet? How are those regions used?
can a pointer be volatile ? Explain.
What's yagni? Is this list of questions an example?
Differences between Array and Booth Multipliers?
Why 8051 is called 8 bit microcontroller?
Draw a transistor level two input NAND gate. Explain its sizing (a) considering Vth (b) for equal rise and fall times
Please give a circuit to divide frequency of clock cycle by two?
What is the difference between 8085 microprocessor and a 8086 microprocessor?
What is the position of the stack pointer after the pop instruction?
What are registers in microcontroller ?
Differentiate between div and idiv instructions with the help of examples.