Oracle Architecture Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How will you swap objects into a different table space for an existing database?

2 3914

How will you estimate the space required by a non-clustered tables?

2 3858

How the space utilisation takes place within rollback segments?

2 3801

What is a Control file ?

4 5364

How will you force database to use particular rollback segment?

1 3644

When will be a segment released?

1 3297

How can we plan storage for very large tables ?

1 4023

What are disadvanteges of having raw devices ?

1 3069

What is the significance of having storage clause ?

1 3460

What is meant by Redo Log file mirrorring ? How it can be achieved?

1 3041

What is dictionary cache ?

2 4239

Why query fails sometimes ?

1 4328

How does Space allocation table place within a block ?

1 3303

How will you monitor rollback segment status ?

2 4884

Which parameter in Storage clause will reduce no. of rows per block?

1 3307

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Teradata: How can we know the indexed column in a table?


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