UPSC Political Science Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Workers of the world unite: you have nothing to lose except your chains, who said it

5 8258

What Fascism means

1 3762

Say something about Fascism

2 6597

What is the main factor that contributed Fascism to rise in Italy

3 17904

Who said, War is to man and maternity is to woman

4 7732

To which Fascism supports

1 3379

What is the ultimate goal of Marx

4 5608

The word ?Fascism? was derived from which term

3 7818

In the words of George Bernard Shaw, what is socialism

1 3786

Marx was belongs to which country

State Bank Of India SBI, UPSC, Wipro,

19 20296

What happens when a vote of no-confidence motion is passed against a minister?

2 13473

What is an Ordinance and what happens to it?

9 66389

what qre rights??

4 4869

how many languages recognises The Constitution of India in its eighth schedule?

6 10501

who was the governor general when the 1857 revolt broke out?

12 21695

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in maharastra cooperative organisation for buying and selling are known as?


What is the difference between public agencies, voluntary agencies and semi government agencies