Scripts Interview Questions
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Can we write a class inside Jsp?

1 4802

how to retrieve native property value in runtime?


1 2450

How to get path of the file through scripting?


1 5253

int a=4857 i need output as 7584.without using any inbuild function?


6 8333

what is diff b/n these 2 programs 1) for i=5 to 1 step 2 msgbox "pass" next 2_) for i=5 to 1 step -2 msgbox "pass" next


5 6563

write generic functions for webapplication?like generic function for webedit generic function for webbutton generic function for links

1 6108

ruby on rails and java ,which of one of the best in future &present?

1 3824

about vb scripting programs this type of all question& answers


Hi I am having one folder with set of text files now i want to read and write that text files data into QTP. Any help plsss.

1 2979

write a vb-script code to delete all the mails in my gmail in the year 2011

1 3723

Define an interface MilitaryPower that has the following properties: • The interface has two public static final variables which are the finite x and y coordinate (i.e. the distance of the objects should not exceed these values. These values set to 100. • The interface has a method move that moves the military power objects to the target value. The method will be implemented by the other classes. The return type should be void. B) Define an enum class Direction which contains the directions (EAST, WEST, SOUTH, NORTH). C) Define a concrete class Tank that implements MilitaryPower, has the following properties: • XCoordinate (Integer), YCoordinate (Integer) are the instance variables for this class. • All instance variables should be private. • Write a parametered constructor that takes two parameters assigning with the instance variables. • Write a set and get method each of the instance variables. • Write a method move that takes two parameters. One of them is distance which type is integer. Another is direction which type Direction. The method should to the following: o If the direction is EAST, set the x-coordinate with adding distance. o If the direction is WEST, set the x-coordinate and subtract distance from x-coordinate. o If the direction is SOUTH, set the y-coordinate with adding distance. o If the direction is NORTH, set the y-coordinate and subtract distance from x-coordinate. • Write a method toString to display the tank coordinates. D) Define an array holding 10 MilitaryPower objects, all of them being a Tank. Then display each of the object information on the screen. (display its movements and coordinates).


what is stored procedural


1)Declare array with five elements a[]={8,4,6,2,1,10} Print minimum and maximum no from array.

Infosys, Syntel,

1 4541

How to add some content in any file at some desired location without using VI or some other editor in UNIX

2 3721

What is constructor?

1 3011

Un-Answered Questions { Scripts }

What is difference between callback and promise?


What is the sequence of Angular Lifecycle Hooks?


Does angular js depends on jquery library?


What is event loop?


Can multiple controllers be used in a single html page?


Explain what the link function is and how it differs from compile?


What is the name of the flags used in read/write operation on files?


What is MongoDB?


What is the purpose of console object?


What is route snapshot?


What is difference == and === in javascript?


Does javascript care about whitespace?


What angular is doing with bazel compiler?


Explain which feature of PERL provides code reusability?


List some exit codes?