Scripts Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

write a vb script to display the reverse of vbs

2 4363

write a vb script to display calculator using case statement?

1 11833

write a vb script to display ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

4 5134

According to dot net is error and exception are same or different?

3 3018

write a vb script to open a text file and write into it

2 4099

write a vb script create 5 folders test1 test2 test3 test4 test5

3 4493

coding of java scripts



How clear chache and buffer of opera browser.


RAM one table colums a1,a2,a3,a4 respective values 2,4,7,8 KRISH one table colums a1,a2,a3,a4 respective values 3,4,6,9 IN RAM & KRISH a4 column if comparing values RAM A4 - KRISH A4 ( 8-9 =1 THEN print 5 or (RAM) a4 value 10 KRISH a4 values 2 then 10 -2 =8 print 5*8=40 or diff 5 print same

Tech Mahindra,

1 2627

20 Functions of Selenium with description and Examples.


how to delete folder test3,test4 and test5 using vbscript?

2 4225

i have 2 tables 4 colums table 1 respective values a1 6, a2 8,a3 9,a4 14 & table 2 respective values a1 6, a2 8, a3 9, a4 12. if compare 2 tables 3 colums values same then 4th column values 1)Qes diff >5 then (5 * diff value ) 2)Qes diff <5 the 5 3)Qes diff 5 then 5 print respective values..

Tech Mahindra,


what is cookies?

2 2889

how to get back up from private character editor which is saved in the format of .udf


how to add the shared repository file to the script file while running the script manuall

2 3248

Un-Answered Questions { Scripts }

who is the best Trainer for ASP.NET MVC in Hyderabad?


what does $("div") will select? : jquery mobile


What is difference between aspx and razor?


What are the styling form that model adds to css classes?


How to create a self-signed certificate in Node.js?


How you get server response from an ajax request using jquery?


Back onto jquery ui' can you see jquery ui making more of an impression in the future, lead by the current successes of jquery?


What is json database?


What do you mean by script?


Which program is useful for testing jQuery?


What is 'commit' command in perl?


Create an array in javascript with a list of 4 colors, assign that array to the variable, ‘colors’.


What is an sh file?


How will you get the checkbox status whether it is checked or not?


What are the steps involved in reading data from a form using jsp?