Scripts Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is a Cookie? What are the uses of Cookies?

1 3624

Difference between GET and POST? Which is used when?

3 5173

Tell me about Dictionary Object?

2 3925

How could u display all of the cookies/cookie values for a user through a Web page in ASP?



How to delete an existing cookie?

2 4391

How to determine if a visitor has cookies support enabled in his/her browser?

1 3177

How to learn VB Script, Since iam working with QTP. So i need to learn VB script.


4 11906

Suppose by navigation I went from 1 st page to 5 page ,so Write a generic script for coming from any page to the 1st page and by executing where the page may be it will come to 1st page


1 5139

How many objects are there in ASP?

10 18234

Name at least two methods of response object other than Transfer.

3 6470

How many types of cookies are there?

TechSolution, Tops Technologies,

10 34242

What is difference between Server.transfer and Response.redirect ?

7 14731

Tell few steps for optimizing (for speed and resources) ASP page/application ?

1 5603

Which DLL file is needed to be registered for ASP?

3 8593

Tell few programming diffrence between ADO and DAO programming. What is state?

Facebook, Leading Software Technologies,

1 5930

Un-Answered Questions { Scripts }

Does uber use node.js?


When i am useing useBean tag of JSP in weblogic server It show compiletion error..Like bad class file: C:\bea\user_projects\domains\Mahesh\applications\UseBean\WEB-INF\classes\user\UserData.class class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0 Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath. user.UserData user1 = null; //[ /SaveName.jsp; Line: 4]


How to uninstall a dependency using npm?


What is Event loop in Node.js work? And How does it work?


What's Prototypes for JavaScript


Mention what is vbscript procedures?


What does 'do' statement do in perl?


What is the difference between concern and application_controller.rb in ruby on rails?


Different ways of using $.connect function in jquery?


What are http interceptors?


How do I run a bin bash script?


What are the new ways to define a variable in Javascript?


What are the implicit objects in jsp?


What is error-first callback?


What are fragments?