Scripts Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are the different shells available?

3 6503

How to print some text on to the screen?

2 4831

How to take input values from the user?

4 6228

What are the different methods available to run a shell script?

2 7267

what are special characters and explain how does text varies by the usage of single quotes,double quotes and back quotes?

1 5701

How to include comments in your shell scripts?

3 6138

What is the need of including script interpreter in your shell script?

2 4673

what is descriptive programming in QTP and what is environment variable in QTP? where we store and what is its use?

Perot Systems,

4 14426

can we place Global.asa into "bin" directory instead of Root directory?


3 5414

What is the relationship between JavaScript and ECMAScript?

NIM, Satyam,

4 19735

What are JavaScript types?

Infosys, Satyam,

11 25605

How do you convert numbers between different bases in JavaScript?

College School Exams Tests, Satyam, UIST, Wipro,

4 15263

What does isNaN function do?


2 10625

What is negative infinity?

CoKinetic, Satyam,

2 8191

What boolean operators does JavaScript support?

Aptech, HCL, Satyam,

5 14985

Un-Answered Questions { Scripts }

What is variable typing?


Do you need to declare variables in javascript?


If 2 methods have same name and same number of parameters, which one will be executed first?


How to use loop in reactjs?


What is the usage of controllers in angularjs?


Is json a web service?


Why is not dom ready working for jquery mobile? : jquery mobile


What is the role of buffer class in node?


What are the data types supported by javascript?


What are the most popular Node.js ORM?


Explain the difference between client-side script and server-side script?


Explain few difference between null, undefined or undeclared javascript variable?


How can html output be prevented from being cached?


How can you get the total number of arguments passed to a function?


___________ and ____________ properity to be used to create localized version of a form