Automation Testing AllOther Interview Questions
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Do you support automated testing? Why?

6 7476

We have a testing assignment that is time-driven. Do you think automated tests are the best solution?


Are reusable test cases a big plus of automated testing and explain why.

1 5890

Hi friends please tell me regardinr to QTP descriptive programming. if any materials are there suggest me. or if you have please give me. thank u waiting for reply

1 2509

Hello, I am interested to make a career in software testing. I am searching for a recommended book in Automated Testing tools which covers winrunner, loadrunner, qtp and test director....Please advise recommended books which is a good text book for learning software testing.

DELL, HP, Sierra ODC,

6 15057

On what basis we select test cases to automate?

1 7039

What are the things that one should consider for selecting a project for test automation? For example, stability, etc.


can anybody tell me " which automation framework u r using?" some interviewer asked this quesion? pls give me answer

3 5383

Write test cases on ATM machine and On Pencil.


3 10890

Define behavioral testing

4 17336

explain add in manager and virtual object wizard in winrunner


Could anybody send me the document on how to re install QTP 9.0 after the evalution period (14 days). It will expire within 3 days. Thabks in advance.

4 8108

if we are using an Engine (tool)..with that how to capture data from excel sheets and how to do automation with this plz answer any body for this question.?

Net Edge,


define primary key & secondary key?

Everest, Mind Tree,

2 19992

diff b/w DBMS & RDBMS?

BirlaSoft, Infosys, Mind Tree, TCS,

69 129004

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Un-Answered Questions { Automation Testing AllOther }

if i want to use different values in datatable with each iteration of for loop what would i do ??/


Tell me what is the firefoxdriver, class or an interface? And which interface does it implement?


What are different coverages in function testing?


Do you know how to check if a button is enabled on the page?


VSTET (Visual Studio Team Edition for Testers) which is in TFS (Team Foundation Server) - In what way is VSTET better than QTP?


how to use regular expression in Test Complete Functional tool


Bug report formate in bugzilla


what are the steps followed in unit testing, system testing, integration testing


Tell me what criteria do you consider for automating a test?


How the object properties will be recognised by the tool If the functions/ statements are written manually?


In what condition we cannot use automation testing for agile method ?


Can we do automation testing without a framework? If yes, then why do we need a framework?


List down the primary features of a good automation tool?


how to write ciertification in QTP?


Hi, Below is the code that i ran on selenium RC using eclipse IDE and java coding.: package source; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*; public class parameterized extends SeleneseTestCase { private Selenium browser; public static void main(String []args) { String arr[] = new String[5]; arr[0]= "bert"; arr[1]= "regular"; arr[2]= "copyonly"; arr[3]= "doert"; arr[4]= "inter"; parameterized obj = new parameterized(); obj.setUp(); obj.login_parameterize(arr); } @BeforeSuite public void setUp() { browser = new DefaultSelenium("localhost",4444, "*chrome", ""); browser.start();""); browser.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); browser.windowMaximize();"/");"gb_23"); } @Test public void login_parameterize(String[] arr ) { for(int i=0;i<=5;i++) { for(int j=0;j<=2; j++) { browser.type("//input[@id='Email']", arr[i]); browser.type("//input[@id='Passwd']", arr[i]);"//input[@id='signIn']"); browser.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); } } } public void EnterValuesIntoTextField_CheckWithGetValue() throws Exception {""); assertEquals("", selenium.getValue("id=textInput")); selenium.type("id=textInput", "Text In The Field"); assertEquals("Text In The Field", selenium.getValue("id=textInput")); } } When i ran this test i got an error which says: "Method login_parameterize requires 1 parameters but 0 were supplied in the @Test annotation." Any help is much appreciated. thank Gab