Software Design Interview Questions
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If you had an infinite supply of water and a 5 quart and 3 quart pail, how would you measure exactly 4 quarts?

6 12104

If you are on a boat and you throw out a suitcase, will the level of water increase?


2 19909

On an average, how many times would you have to open the Seattle phone book to find a specific name?

1 7062

There are 3 ants at 3 corners of a triangle, they randomly start moving towards another corner. What is the probability that they don't collide?


7 32905

If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute hands

11 40878

What new feature would you add to MSWORD if you were hired?

1 5599

Two MIT math graduates bump into each other at Fairway on the upper west side. They hadn't seen each other in over 20 years. The first grad says to the second: "how have you been?" Second: "Great! I got married and I have three daughters now" First: "Really? how old are they?" Second: "Well, the product of their ages is 72, and the sum of their ages is the same as the number on that building over there.." First: "Right, ok.. oh wait.. hmmmm.., I still don't know" second: "Oh sorry, the oldest one just started to play the piano" First: "Wonderful! my oldest is the same age!" Problem: How old are the daughters?

Ace Info, Cybernet, HSBC, MAQ, Slash Support, TCS,

4 24015

Why do you want to work for Microsoft?


1 7669

How would you weigh a plane without using scales?

8 56280

How would you move Mt. Everest?

KJ, MBT, Microsoft,

4 22823

Why are beer cans tapered at the top and bottom?


3 16547

Why is it that hot water in a hotel comes out instantly but at home it takes time?

3 12523

How many times a day a clock's hands overlap?

16 58043

Mike has $20 more than Todd. How much does each have given that combined they have $21 between them. You can't use fractions in the answer.


2 17102

There are four dogs, each at the counter of a large square. Each of the dogs begins chasing the dog clockwise from it. All of the dogs run at the same speed. All continously adjust their direction so that they are always heading straight towards their clockwise neighbor. How long does it take for the dogs to catch each other? Where does this happen? (Hint: Dog's are moving in a symmetrical fashion, not along the edges of the square).


4 10879

Un-Answered Questions { Software Design }

What is the purpose of cm tools and which one you have used?


Using any system, product, or service your organization provides, identify the human system roles for the product.


What is the difference between risk impact and risk probability?


What is a communication diagram in UML?


What is the use of finalize method?


Does mvc have viewstate?


What is the difference between corpus and corpora?


Describe the builder design pattern


You are a project manager for Bluebird Technologies. Bluebird writes custom billing applications for several industries. One of your users verbally requests changes to one of the screen displays. You explain to her that the change needs to go through the change control system. You explain that a change control system does all of the following, except: A. Document procedures for change requests B. Track the status of change requests C. Describe the management impacts of change D. Determine if changes are approved or denied


What is difference between mvvm and mvc?


What are the basic concepts of oop?


What is the difference between adding routes, to a webform application and an mvc application?


What is bootstrap, extension and system class loader?


Detail whether UML can be used as a programming language?


Your team is split between two buildings on either side of town. As a result, the team isn't very cohesive because the members don't know each other very well. The team is still in the storming stage because of the separation issues. Which of the following should you consider? A. Corrective action B. Collocation C. Training D. Conflict resolution