Unix Commands Interview Questions
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Suppose 1000 processes are running on the system out of those if you have to show only certain process ids which command will you use?

5 10917

What is the syntax of grep command and what is its use?

6 10028

How do you move a process which is running background to foreground?

9 15274

How do you stop a running process?

7 14270

What is the procedure of "at" and crontab" commands?

4 9793

Which command will you use to change the permissions on file?

7 8739

What is the use of pipes?

4 8063

Through which command will redirect output to bOth screen and files at the same time?

3 9567

How do you know about running processes of a particular user?

11 17646

How do you remove a crontab file?

6 16851

What is the basic difference between unix and windows operating systems?

Bopro, College School Exams Tests, CTS, IBM, IT-Kids, Priyadarshini, Sybian Technologies, Tolani Maritime,

43 168053

How do you find path of a directory? Give its syntax.

7 13926

In vi editor how do you execute unix commands?

10 18886

what is the use of "test" command in unix?

4 19814

Give a regular expression that finds two things, try to come up with regular expressions that find each individually using "egrep" command?

5 13285

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Un-Answered Questions { Unix Commands }

What is awk command used for?


How do I run a whois command?


What is the first character of the output in ls l command?


What is awk used for?


Explain mount and unmount command.


Is there any method to erase all files in the current directory, along with its all sub-directories, by using only one command?


What's a command word?


How to display no of records in oracle using unix command?


What do chown command do?


What does #!/ Bin sh do?


How do I search a whole word in vim?


What is the use of find command in unix?


What is ctrl d?


Write a command that will find all text files in a directory such that it does not contain the word "amazing" in any form (that is, it must include the words amazing, amazing, or amazing)?


How do I use grep to find a file?