OOPS Interview Questions
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char* ptr = "Rahul"; *ptr++; printf("%s",ptr); What will be the output


9 12501

There are 2 classes defined as below public class A { class B b; } public class B { class A a; } compiler gives error. How to fix it?


3 6059

where is memory for struct allocated? where is memory for class-object allocated? I replied for struct in stack and for class-object in heap. THen he asked if class has struct member variable what happens.class on heap and what about struct in that class? couldnt ans :( :-?

Infosys, Microsoft,

2 9693

what is runtime polymorphism? For the 5 marks.

3 4653

What are the access specifiers avaible in c++?

4 5931

1. Define a class.

6 5578

2. Give the different notations for the class.\


3. Differentiate verification and validation.

1 3923

4. What do you mean by a prototype? Define analysis prototype

1 3942

Hi friends I have experience of 6 months in website design and maintanence. Now i am looking for other IT jobs.. to switch platform. please post any interview you know in chennai.


ambiguity regulation of multiple inheritance with example.

1 3471

write a c++ code of diagonal matrix.

2 24041

What is multiple inheritance?


9 8042

What is function overloading?,describe it with the example.

5 5281

What is the concept of object oriented program?

6 5856

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Un-Answered Questions { OOPS }

Why do we use class in oops?


What is the difference between procedural programming and oops?


What is the fundamental idea of oop?


Why multiple inheritance is not allowed?


What are the two different types of polymorphism?


#include #include #include #include void insert(struct btreenode **, int); void inorder(struct btreenode *); struct btreenode { struct btreenode *leftchild; struct btreenode *rightchild; int data; }; main() { struct btreenode *bt; bt=(struct btreenode *)NULL; int req,i=1,num; clrscr(); printf("Enter number of nodes"); scanf("%d",&req); while(i<=req) { printf("Enter element"); scanf("%d",&num); insert(&bt,num); i++; } inorder(bt); } void insert(struct btreenode **sr, int num) { if(*sr==NULL) { *sr=(struct btreenode *)malloc (sizeof(struct btreenode)); (*sr)->leftchild=(struct btreenode *)NULL; (*sr)->rightchild=(struct btreenode *)NULL; (*sr)->data=num; return; } else { if(num < (*sr)->data) insert(&(*sr)->leftchild,num); else insert(&(*sr)->rightchild,num); } return; } void inorder(struct btreenode *sr) { if(sr!=(struct btreenode *)NULL) { inorder(sr->leftchild); printf("\n %d",sr->data); inorder(sr->rightchild); } else return; } please Modify the given program and add two methods for post order and pre order traversals.


Which type does string inherit from?


Why is oop better than procedural?


Why polymorphism is used in oops?


What is polymorphism give a real life example?


What is destructor oops?


What is the significance of classes in oop?


What is protected in oop?


What is meant by multiple inheritance?


What is encapsulation in simple terms?