OOPS Interview Questions
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why overriding?

3 7049

Write a program in c++ to read two floating point numbers and find their sum and average.

2 8454

explain sub-type and sub class? atleast u have differ it into 4 points?



What is DeadlyDiamondDeathProblem ?

1 3159

Which is the best institute in hyderabad for C/C++ and it also has fast track course structure.


13 29401

Write a program to multiply 3x3 matrics

1 3319

Write a program to accept a number and to print numbers in pyramid format? for eg:for a no. 5 1 212 32123 4321234 543212345

7 24482

1.explicit call for destructor 2.calling function inside a constructor. 3.base *b-new derived delete b; 4.delete p what it will delete. 5.size of base class and derived class int i,in base class and int j in derived. 6.int i-20 int main() { int i =5; printf("%d".::i); { int i =10; printf("%d".::i); } } 7.object slicing 8.new 9.function overloading(return type). 10.class base() { virtuval fun() { ----- } } class derivied:public base() { fun() { ----- } } int main() { derived d; } 11.how static function will call in C++? 12.default structures are in C++? 13.constructors should be in public . 14.virtuval constructor not exist. 15.multilevel inhritence. destructor order.

Tech Mahindra,

1 3694

1.what are two type of classe members called? 2.what is data hiding and data encapsulation? 3.how do you make a class member visible aouside its class? 4.what is the default visibility of a class data member? 5.what are the advantages of oop over the structured programing?

6 9718

write a program which best describes polymorphism in real world?

CTS, Infosys, NexGen,

2 8281

what uses of c++ language?

3 5534

143.what is oops principles?

10 9171

Will I be able to get a picture in D drive to the c++ program? If so, help me out?


Generally, in all C++ programs, texts are in white colour. Can we change the colour of the text(either input or output or both)? If so, help me out.

1 3205

What's the full form of STL?

2 11821

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Un-Answered Questions { OOPS }

Whats oop mean?


What is abstraction in oop with example?


What are main features of oop?


Which method cannot be overridden?


This program numbers the lines found in a text file. Write a program that reads text from a file and outputs each line preceded by a line number. Print the line number right-adjusted in a field of 3 spaces. Follow the line number with a colon, then one space, then the text of the line. You should get a character at a time and write code to ignore leading blanks on each line. You may assume that the lines are short enough to fit within a line on the screen. Otherwise, allow default printer or screen output behavior if the line is too long (i.e., wrap or truncate). A somewhat harder version determines the number of spaces needed in the field for the line numbers by counting lines before processing the lines of the file. This version of the program should insert a new line after the last complete word that will fit within a 72-character line.


write a program using c++ to implement single contiguous memory mangement techniques.display the content of the main memory after yhe allocation of jobs and percentage of the wastage of the main memory


i got a backdoor offer in process global,Bangalore..Can i work with it?


What is the point of oop?


What is and I oop mean?


Why do we use encapsulation in oops?


What is an example of genetic polymorphism?


What is abstraction in oops with example?


2. Give the different notations for the class.\


How do you answer polymorphism?


What is polymorphism used for?