DB2 Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Name some fields from SQLCA.

2 5662

what's the equivalent Cobol Data type for Decimal(x,y) in DB2? what does the current SQLID register contain?

Cap Gemini, Tech Mahindra,

3 16615

What are the isolation levels possible ?

3 5565

What is meant by index cardinality?

2 5613

What does the RUNSTATS Utility do?

4 19145

What is the purpose of the QUIESE Utility?

1 4383

What statistic will tell the DBA how must space can be reclaimed from dropped table spaces on the next reorg run?

1 3669

What are column-name qualifiers used?

1 3562

Explain transactions, commits and rollbacks in DB2.

3 7048

How is a typical DB2 batch program executed ?

1 5859

What information is held in SYSIBM.SYSCOPY?

1 5066

What DB2 Catalog column tell you when an index needs table reorganized ?

1 4048

When can an insert of a new primary key value threaten referential integrity?

Mind Tree,

2 6428

what are the max. & min. no. of partitions allowed in a partition tablespace?


2 7471

what's the error code for Unique Index Violation?

2 7180

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Un-Answered Questions { DB2 }

What do you mean by commit and rollback?


What are catalog tables in db2?


What parameters are used to control the free space in DB2?


In an sql table that is embedded, what is the procedure to retrieve rows that are part of a db2 table?


What is bind in db2?


What is the syntax for seeing the columns and data types of a table in the db2 database?


What are host variables in db2?


Define buffer pool.


What is the usage of open cursor command?


How do I create a view in db2?


Give a brief description of db2 isolation levels?


What is the maximum number of columns in a db2 table?


What is isolation level in db2?


What is a cursor in programming?


What do you mean by rollback?