JCL Interview Questions
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What are the maximum and minimum sizes of any CONTROL AREA (VSAM datasets) ?


2 12170

How to get cursor position from system in CICS environment ?

8 37554

How many parameters are there to a DISP statement and what are their uses ?

3 6393

What is the difference between specifying DISP=OLD and DISP=SHR for a dataset?


5 31139

What does SYSIN * indicate?

2 7314

What u mean by include statement in JCL ?

3 27387

The maximum number of in-stream procedure you can code in any JCL is ?

5 13635

What is a COND parameter in JCL?


10 60953

How many types of libraries are there in JCL ?


2 10308

What you mean by skeleton JCl?

2 13694

How do you submit a JCL under CICS environment ?


5 14189

How to change default PROCLIB?

1 13163

The disp in the JCL is MOD and the program opens the file in OUTPUT mode. What happens ? The DISP in the JCL is SHR and the program opens the file in EXTEND mode. What happens ?

3 12086

How to execute a set of JCL statements from a COBOL program ?

6 14232

What are three major types of JCL statements? What are their functions?

1 8837

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Un-Answered Questions { JCL }

When The Define Jcl Is Not Available, How Can You Get Information About A Vsam File's Organisation ?


How to pass the parameter in parm using linkage section ? (syntax)?


What do you understand by the term “keyword” with respect to jcl and what is the opposite of the term?


How can an in-stream dataset be terminated?


what sort card you will use to copy the data from one dataset to another dataset?


Mention the types of job control statements?


which utility is used to run a cobol-db2 program?


what happens in execution stage in job processing?


1) SORT FIELDS=(20,4,CH,D,10,3,CH,D) OUTREC FIELDS=(7:20,4,C' FUTURE ',20,2,10,3,1Z,1,9,13,7, 24,57,TRAN=LTOU,6X'FF') This example illustrates how a fixed-length input data set can be sorted and reformatted for output. The SORTIN LRECL is 80 bytes. The reformatted output records are fixed length with a record size of 103 bytes. SOLRF (the IBM-supplied default) is in effect, so unless the SORTOUT LRECL is specified or available, it will automatically be set to the reformatted record length of 103. in the above example i have some doubts that a) sort fields=(20,4,CH,D,10,3,CH,D) -what exactly it does and this fields related to output record fields or input record fields b)outrec used to refprmat the records after sorting that means could please reply me as soon as possible Thanks. Venkat


Explain the function of //cntl statement?


Which dd parameters are required?


how do you access an uncataloged dataset in a jcl?


How can a fb file convert to vb file using sort program?


have in 100 records in a file i want to read first 3 records and skip next 3 records and agan i want to read 3 records and again i want to skip 3 records... run a loop from record one to 10 evaluate i/3 if comes even then skip else write to output file


How to submit jcl through a cobol program?