JCL Interview Questions
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what r the types of job control statements?

2 5388

what is the meaning of keyword in jcl?what is is opposite?

4 7016

describe the job statement, its meaning,syntax and significant keywords?

1 3815

describe the exec statement,its meaning ,syntax and keywords?

3 6327

describe the dd statement,its meaning,syntax and keywords?

1 3352

what is the restart?hopw it is invoked?

1 4176

explain concatinating datasets?

1 3994

what is pupose and meaning of the REGION keyword and what jcl statement is it associated with?

1 5007

what is the difference between static call and dynamic call?

1 21341

can we bowse or edit the GDG dataset if it is a tape entry?

4 8531

what is the purpose of SYSOUT parameter in the DD statement?

1 9377

what is a MODELDSCB?

1 3913

i want to see the jobs in skeleton queue in diff region. (eg. 7 regions are running means , i want to see all the jobs in 7 regions which are in skel queue using 1 command)

1 4018

I have 10 steps, I want to run STEP1 TO STEP4 then I should not run STEP5 and STEP6. Aganin I want to execute from STEP7 to STEP10. ONLY using CONDITION CODES how can we execute this process? 1. Where we can set cond codes for STEP5 and STEP6? 2. How can we execute remaining steps from STEP7 to STEP10?

2 8127

What will happen if we write two STOP RUN's in a COBOL program?


4 10773

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Un-Answered Questions { JCL }

How do you create a temporary dataset?


What is the function of a dd statement?


What is the function of the dd mgmtclas keyword in sms datasets?


what is the use of JCL?


How is the record format of an output dataset specified?


what is use of space parameter in dd statement?


A dd statement consists of 4 fields. Name them?


What is concatenating?


I have a cobol db2 program(PGM A) where other program (PGM B) will call this program and passes some 50 fields data to PGM A. PGM A has some layout in which it receives the data from PGM B. And this layout has been copied in the linkage section pf PGM A. After getting the data, PGM A writes the data in a flat file in the same layout which it receives from PGM B. PGM B is a simple COBOL pgm. Please provide a JCL to run these programs.


Explain the function of a dd statement?


have in 100 records in a file i want to read first 3 records and skip next 3 records and agan i want to read 3 records and again i want to skip 3 records... run a loop from record one to 10 evaluate i/3 if comes even then skip else write to output file


How to pass data to a program that is coded in an exec statement?


How can unused space allocation be returned to the system when a dataset is closed?


What is the format of comment statement?


How does jcl act on a cobol code?