COBOL Interview Questions
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01 a pic 9(3) value is 123 01 b pic 9(6) move a to b wht will be the value ? and 01 a pic x(6) value is abc 01 b pic x(3) move a to b wht will be the value ?


7 8815

where do we use dyanamic call ? and where do we use static call pls give any example pls ?


3 6278

01 a pic 9(9v99) 01 b pic 9(9.99) wht will be the stored vales in both cases


6 10725

Size of a column has been changed in DB2 table (Suppose it was of 5 characters and later changed to 4 characters) and forgot to change the DCLGEN in COBOL program, what will happen during the execution of code? If the program Abends then what will be the error? If it doesn't abend then hpw the error can be catched?


5 9309

I have a table with 3 dimensions like this : 01 ws-table 04 ws-page occurs 3 08 ws-column occurs 2. 12 ws-record occurs 20 pic x(40). How to code with PERFORM varying with 3 dimension...I forgot..


2 5357

wht happens if we dnt give scope terminator ?


4 6992

where will u code file status ?


2 5527

how do u link sub pgm to main pgm ?


2 6486

how to pass 100 to s9(4) how r they inserted ?


3 8694

can we print comp 3 stmts how ?

Accenture, TCS,

3 11935

Difference between ps, esds

3 12625

Difference between lrecl, blksize among PS, PDS issues? i.e in jcl at dcb

1 5302

s9(18) comp-3:: What is the size of memory it takes internally?

4 8429

How to define variable 9(20) in COBOL, because compiler does not allow us to declare variables with Pic 9(18). Can anyone please let me know the answer... I know one answer to this question which is to use Compiler option Arith (Extend) during Compilation. It extends the maximum limit to 9(32)..Just wanted to know if there is any other way to extend this?


4 16430

what is srange and nosrange pls reply to ths question ?


2 6203

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Un-Answered Questions { COBOL }

1.Is it possible to move the data from 99.99 to 99v99? 2.What is the CICS-vsam Compilation process? 3.In My GDG 5 generation will be there GDG3 got an abend what will happen? 4.In my GDG first generation is +1 And I want to add the new generation what will happen previous generation? 5.How can you give the PIC clause below conditions A). s9 (reddy), B). s9 (5) occurs 5 times? 6.How override the proc from a particular step? and what is symbolic and override Procs?


i want a program using by if, evaluate , string, unstring, perform, occurs?


input= ,,,, mainframe training ,,, hyderabad .... location.... output1=$ mainframe training in hyderabad location$ output2=**** mainframe training in hyderabad location ****. In this pgn when we give input considering the spaces the output is displayed in this format.Like in the place of ,,,, $ should be displayed likewise.So please helpmeout.


How do define dynamic array in cobol.


What is difference between static and dynamic call in cobol?


What the difference is between continue and next sentence?


what is the difference between COBOL2 AND COBOL390?


What is report-item in COBOL?


Explain about different table spaces.


What are the rules of the move verb?


What guidelines should be followed to write a structured cobol prgm?


What are declaratives and what are their uses in cobol?


Name the sections present in data division.


what happens if parmparameter passes zero bytes to the program


What is the LINKAGE SECTION used in COBOL?