JavaScript Interview Questions
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program showing string concatenation?

4 5653

How to capture the Image width and height using QTP script ? Kindly answer plz.... Thanx in adavance...


HI friends .am Mohammed Riyash.JMC BCA Tricy. My doubt is. In some websites like when MouseOver() action performed.the menuitems will be drop down..and hides when blur()action happened.any body give the code for that..

iGate, Reliance,

1 3428

What can be the challenges during testing a program or a system?


how to create a moving div?

1 4717

What is object cloning

3 5337

About document.getElementID? Explain giving one example. This was asked by a interviewer when i said that i know some JavaScript.


2 6836

Can i create an login account with javascript ,without using database ?

TCS, Vsys,

6 13789

Hi all, I got a job in Bangalore even though it's recession time. They have said my project will involve Java, Ruby on Rails, Ajax and they also said Web Services (which i have always wanted to try) and some stuff I have not much exposure like REST, mashups and Struts. Can anyone tell me if there are some good training or conferences to get to speed with these technologies. I need to do really good in my job. Thanks, Vaibhavi

1 2879

how to activate and deactivate the constraint with all the default values


Is it possible to assign a php variable to javascript ? And also is it possible to fetch the page contents if the url is not under our control ?

1 3157

since are functions need to create a webpage is available in dhtml& html. then why we are going for javascript

1 2869

What is the difference between programing language and scripting language.?

Reliance, TCS,

3 10653

Hello , I am using following java script to open new window in I.E,but i am facing an issue the new window hangs often while opening,when you move mouse it opens normally.Can any body help me why this is happening as i am unable to understand this issue?please please if any one know so kindly help me I am in real difficulty through this issue.Thanks 'if(window.clipboardData){clipboardData.setData("Text","' + a.PatID + '");}' + 'ordwindow= ("' + @OrderDetailURL + '", "RXOrderDetail", "location=0,status=0,menubar=0,toolba r=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1"); ordwindow.moveTo(parent.screenLeft,0);var x; x=new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");x.SendKeys("% "); x.SendKeys ("x"); //fcttest((sp_RX_ChangeOrderStatus ' + '''' + a.DocID + '''' + ', 1, ' + convert(varchar,@SessionID) + '));' As [W],


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Un-Answered Questions { JavaScript }

How do I run code in browser console?


What is a module code?


How to access an external javascript file that is stored externally and not embedded?


What are the types used in javascript?


Is javascript a highly secure scripting language?


How to create a function using function constructor?


What is event bubbling in the dom?


What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of JavaScript?


Do unused imports affect performance javascript?


What are the predefined functions in javascript?


What does the operator do in javascript?


Is it possible to use javascript to change the meta-tags of the page?


What are javascript closures?


Explain the difference between call() and apply()?


What does trim stand for?