Data Stage Interview Questions
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it is possible to load two tables data into one sequential file?if possible how?plz share with me?


6 10650

how to handle null values in sequential file?


1 18556

how to handle null values using transformer stage?

1 6881

how can u handle null values in transformer stage.

7 25465

What r the existing server jobs in parallalism?

ITC Infotech,


1.what is materialized data? to view the materialized data?



i have source data like empno,enmae 11 ,aa 12 ,bb i want output like empno,ename 11 ,aa 12 ,bb 11 ,aa 12 ,bb


7 10321

i have source like deptno,sal 1,2000 2,3000 3,4000 1,2300 4,5000 5,1100 i want target like target1 deptno,sal 1,2000 3,4000 4,5000 target2 2,3000 1,2300 5,1100 with out using transformerstage

6 8273

i have source like balance,drawtime 20000, 8.30 50000,10.20 3000,4.00 i want target like this balance,drawtime 20000, 20.30 50000,22.20 3000,16.00

2 5947

what is the main difference between sorragate key n primary key in one word

2 10322

specify data stage strength?

1 4633

Hi friends, I am new to datastage, i have one query in datastage any one you please give reply to my post. I have a workbook (excel sheet) named as eg: xxxx, in that i have two tables emp(eid, ename, salary, deptno) and dep(deptno, name, state). in my source i have ODBC enterprise stage read the emp table and dept table join the two table and write the dept no 10(eid,ename,salary,name,state) values in target(). Thanks, Badari


what is mapping lookup

1 4526

what is the diff b/w switch and filter stage in datastage

Cap Gemini,

2 15489

how to cleansing data

Cap Gemini,

6 15080

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How to create a file using vi editor? 2)how to delete a file in vi editor? 3)How to connect the server datastage to unix? what r the command lines we r using? 4)30 jobs r runnig in unix i want to find out my job. how to do this? give me command?


Why fact table is in normal form?


what are .ctl(control files) files ? how the dataset stage have better performance by this files?


What is the difference between odbc and drs stage?


What is difference between join, merge and lookup stage?


What is difference between symmetric multiprocessing and massive parallel processing?


What is the precedence of stage variables,derivations, and constraints?


How many types of views are there in a datastage director?


What are the types of containers and how to create them?


How the ipc stage work?


What is the roundrobin collector?


what is the custome stage in datastage? how can we impliment that one? plz tell me


How can we improve performance of data stage jobs?


What are the functionalities of link partitioner?


How to find value from a column in a dataset?