Scripts AllOther Interview Questions
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If we add regular expressions to a script recorded in QTP, will it effect the performance of the script?


What is the procedure for installing USP-35 on my compure?


QTP not able to select multiple row selection when new rows are added


In sap script, created 1 form but when its went to production system , client want some changes in 1 (ex - addrss) window, what we will do?


a="" replace 1 with 45 in python using reg ex



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can I name the build.xml with any name? if so how can I invoke ?


In sap script, created 1 form but when its went to production system , client want some changes in 1 (ex - addrss) window, what we will do?


If we add regular expressions to a script recorded in QTP, will it effect the performance of the script?


Why we use Action Script(Multimedia Flash) rather than using other scripting languages (JAVA,VB...etc) ?


how do invoke OS task through ANT?


I have deducted tds on pay slip for employees ist month tell me how to deposit this amt to govt. by bank or any form is available fill the same and deposit the govt. department. Pls explain me which form to be used for deposit the same with due date.


how can we move to the next column in excel sheet in file operation using descriptive programming inQTP?


how can i type the text message in compose box in yahoo mail using descriptive programming in QTP?


database acl level has manager access.his name is listed in author and Reader fields. but he didn't sea a documents what is the reason?


a="" replace 1 with 45 in python using reg ex


I have installed QTP version 9.0. I have installed Mozilla firefox version 2.0. But QTP "Record and Run settings" in WEB tab shows FIREFOX 1.5 in drop down to run session begins. So QTP does not record anything which I type in firefox. How can i recognise firefox 2.0 and how can i update browser version in QTP?


Hi Guys, I am very new to QTP tool , In real time environment how to test the application with this tool, 1. How to load application in QTP tool 2. How to write test script in QTP. 3. In manual testing we test login box (user id , password) how can we test this kind of testing with QTP tool with examples . Please guys put some focus on my questions , real time ecperienced answers would be appreciate, advance thanks ,please guys i am expecting ur answers as soon as posible


Need a batch file or VB script to delete old (more than 90datys) roaming profiles


How can you convert QTP 8.2 scripts to QTP 9.2. Please give some inputs ASAP.


How applet differ from Swings in java ?