Engineering AllOther Interview Questions
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What is Campus selection process of patni at Adcet,Ashta at 24th dec 2010.Also give apti syllabus.



i want a richdatatable to be displayed only when a list has some value in the bean, and a datatable with header only if the list is empty. And i want the datatable to be printed only when ajax button is clicked??


how to avoid a class from getting inherited but respective class should be able to instantiate ?


how to store the vacuum in tank? its possible? what are the units for measure the vacuum ?


i am astubent of BE3rd year currently in 6th semester branch information technology till now i have 73% near about in each semester the problem with me is that i have got only 58%in 12th class n 55%in 10th class bcoz of my health now i am ok i have got 2 year loss also bcoz i have not giveen the exam in class 12th rite now i am prep for GATE i am working hard pls tell will i get a good job in future in the good company bcoz my inter percent were not gud pls tell me help me pls


friends help a btech fresher.. wt is the eligibility criteria for TCS???? like %...repli me clearly from x onwards..


1)what is output for the following program. #include main() { int *p,*q,i; p=(int *)100; q=(int *)200; i=q-p; printf("%d",i); } a)100 b)25 c)0 d)compile error


1 5082

1 2 3 2 5 6 7 8 3 find the next term in the series


3 6871

what is difference between class and object in c++


what is difference between class and object in c++



what does static variable mean in c language?


what is a pointer in c language?


what is a structure in c language?


what are the differences between structures and arrays in c language?

1 3027

in header files whether functions are declared or defined in c language?

2 13701

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Difference between software process model and software process.?


Requesting for AMVI genaral studies syllabus


What are the input documents to 1.Functional testing,2.System testing and 3.Integration testing. Whether there will be separate test cases for regression testing or functional testing?


How to create test case scenario?


a steel bar 1' inch square 6' long is to be used as a column.ends are free to rotate put may not be displaced.stress is limited to 30,000 PSI


is the used fire extinguisher fall under Hazardous waste material?


why one should join accenture?


Write a program in ā€˜Cā€™ language that will perform the following operation on static stack. 1. push 2. pop 3. Display 4. Exit Create separate functions for each operation. The push() should accept one argument of structure type and will not return any thing. The pop() function will not receive any argument & return structure type value. The stack & top must be declare as external variable. Each element of stack will contain the following information Roll No, Std Name, Course. Use do-while loop & switch case for generating the above menu. The format of the output should is given below: S.No. Roll No. Student Name Course 1 cse01 Anil Singh B.Tech


write an algorithm in O(n) time for finding the kth smaalest element form an array of n elements , where n and k are entered by user


explain bug tracking system in detail.


What is Landscape in Sap BW?


Write a program to maintain a singly linked list having the following functions: a) Creation of the list b) Displaying the list. c) Swap all nodes at consecutive even odd positions. E.g.: The nodes at position 1 should be swapped with node 2, node 3 with node 4 and so on.


i want questions only on code part like general logics in c and java


today apptitude questions


hai,am a marine engineer..pls anyone tell me what is the abbrevation for "gfca" in Mitsui B&w 7l67gfca mail id is