Engineering AllOther Interview Questions
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in which website , i can able to get the electrical basics.?????????????


if Papers-5,Pens-3,Pencils-2, Brought for 105Rs.Then Papers-10,Pens-7,Pencils-5.Then what is the cost of a Single Pen?


1 3555

compare the conditional operator with if-else-if statement.


what is typa casting and type conversion ?


4) Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it. I did the following program and is this correct

1 2684

what is difference between Fault tolerance Vs fault avoidance


Explain i.d.e. for visual c++?


when load increase in generator in island mode, why turbine rpm is reduced


why there is a collision in switch


Given a set of numbers like 1,2,5,4,1,2,1,7 find the number of faults using LRU.


1 3389

Given Max hash and set of numbers find the way they are arranged.



What is the importance of object oriented modeling in various approaches used in engineering

1 2692

Suppose you want to form a conceptual model of UML.What elements would you require for this purpose?


what is the difference between oracle 8i and 9i. if someone could help me out.


What is the instruction to load the register B?


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what is a structure in c language?


explain different access specifiers in class


10. Write a program in ā€˜Cā€™ language that will perform the following operation on double link list. Each node of this list contains the address of previous as well as next node. The previous pointer of first node & next pointer of last node should contain null. 1. Creation of list with as many records as user want 2. Search a node in the list 3. Deletion at last position 4. Display 5. Exit Create separate functions for each operation. The create () will be used to create the list. It should accept no argument & return the address of the starting node. Search() will search a node in the list. It receives rollno as argument & return that node if found otherwise return null. The delete () function will delete the last node. It does not receive any argument & return structure type value at last position. The starting node of the double list must be declared as external pointer variable. Each element of double link list will contain the following information Roll No, Std Name, Course. Use do-while loop & switch case for generating the above menu. The format of the output should is given below: S.No. Roll No. Student Name Course 1 cse01 Anil Singh B.Tech


Can main() function can be made virtual?


How many VLANs are supported on a single switch


when does the official confirmation or the offer letter for the 2012 selected candidates of HUAWEI will come??


Problem:Design and implement a class that allows a teacher to track the grades in a single ourse.Include methods that calculate the average grae, the highest grade, and the lowest grade.Wrute a program to testyour class implementation in a c#. given grades:integral=85, physics=87, datastruct=84.


today apptitude questions


what is difference between class and object in c++


which is better php,,jsp? and why?


as we know that java is a platform independent language, but we need jvm for the same operating system why?


what is test strategy


what is technical voice process and define it


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whether we can implement VPN based on UDP? If yes then tell how? If no tell why not?