C Interview Questions
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diff. between *p and **p

3 5842

can u suggest me am in a confusion to choose whether to go to c programming or a software testing . am a graduate in B.sc(electronics).

1 2568

what is ANSI and ISO


7 6896

what are far pointers?

1 3885

how to swap 2 numbers in a single statement?

3 5092

how to swap 2 numbers within a single statement?

4 6526

i have a written test for microland please give me test pattern



what is the meaning of 'c' language

3 4687

#include void main() { int a [5]; for (i=0; i<=4; i++) printf(ā€œ%dā€ ,a[i]); }

8 9622

Write a program using bitwise operators to invert even bits of a given number.

2 8042

Write a program to find whether the given number is prime or not?

6 10187

Write a program to print the prime numbers from 1 to 100?

7 34200

In C program, at end of the program we will give as "return 0" and "return 1", what they indicate? Is it mandatory to specify them?

5 5655

how to TOGGLE Nth bit of variable in a MACRO


1 8242

write a c program to find the square of a 5 digit number and print the result.

Accenture, Sasken, Vimukti Technologies,

5 18508

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

Explain how can a program be made to print the name of a source file where an error occurs?


Explain how can I write functions that take a variable number of arguments?


Write a program to use switch statement.


Why static is used in c?


How can I prevent another program from modifying part of a file that I am modifying?


Differentiate between a for loop and a while loop? What are it uses?


In a byte, what is the maximum decimal number that you can accommodate?


Who developed c language and when?


A collection of data with a given structure for excepting storing and providing on demand data for multiple users a) linked list b) datastructer c) database d) preprocessor


hi friends how r u as soon in satyam my interview is start but i m very confusued ta wat i do plz help me frndz wat can i do plz tell me some question and answers related with "C" which r asked in the interview .


What are the different types of linkage exist in c?


Is linux written in c?


what is bit rate & baud rate? plz give wave forms


How can I write a function analogous to scanf?


What is the difference between test design and test case design?