MainFrame Interview Questions
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I want to open particular list of members inside pds.Let me know whether below code will work.if not tell me how it works INPUT='DDM.DATASET(AAA*)' X = OUTTRAP(MEMS.)

Mind Tree,


I have two files each contains 10 records. I would like to copy both files into one output file but in alternate sequence. for e.g. first record from file1 then record 2 from file2.....


3 12192

Add a field to screen when what's the flow of impact?

Keane India Ltd,


Explain page up and page down logic along with coding logic in cics?


3 15284

What is the exact difference between PRTY and DPRTY


2 16031

how a data in physical and symbolic map gets treated? Since the physical map is much concerned about the screen alignment and the field positions, how the values entered in the field which has PICIN or PICOUT clause in Physical map gets treated? Does that mean datas recieved or sent to the physical map should be constant? How does the data in Symbolic map gets converted with 5suffix namely F,L,A,I and O. For example EMPNO is treated as EMPNOI, EMPNOO, EMPNOA, EMPNOL and EMPNOF. how does this happen in symbolic map. Please provide your inputs on the above and kindly correct me if I am wrong.



1. I have2 records in a PF. READ PF DO DSPLY EMPNO RETRN DSPLY EMPNO ENDDO What was the output 2. SETON LR vs RETURN 3. Primary File 4. How to delete a deleted spaces 5. How to read a PF in reverse order in CL 6. I have a object in Lib A, B and C. But it shows in D Lib..Why? 7.


4 8911

Can any one plz explain the concept of INFSR, *PSSR, INFDS AND PSDS, I' confusing about PSDS and *PSSR, Wat is the difference btw them, wat PSDS will do????

1 12093

How Commitment and Roll back control is used in as400, explain with real time senario ???

Acolite, HSBC,

2 14780

A pgm subroutine calling child subroutine, that child subroutine again calling parent subroutine, u have 1000 lines of code, with out debugging , how can u find that error??? Is there any command to find errors in pgm???


3 7751

how can i retrieve the field name from display file at run time? Devendra Singh Tomar

3 6802

How can i retrieve city while my i have one field address length 60 but i don't know what where is city in this field ?

4 6795

in a cl pgm records are copied to a file in qtemp a pgm is called to delete records from the file in qtemp no of records in file in library qtemp is checked wat shud be the count of records let say it was 10 initially endpgm

2 5761

if there is pf in two libraries and there is a logical file based on the PF, how to find the pf on which the pf is based.


2 6712

if there is a module object , how to find the program object for this module object.Assume the module object name and program object name is not same.


Un-Answered Questions { MainFrame }

What is the difference between read work file 1 and read work file once? Why we are using work file once?


What kind of database is db2?


Specify cics transaction initiation process?


At what point are extension eliminators mandatory?


Define the necessity of run stats among the environment test?


What is the Purpose of POINTER Phrase in STRING command in COBOL?


define a shared access path?


Explain how to detect record is locked in cobol/400? What is the solution for that?


what is the role of the cursor in db2?


What is the role of schema in the db2 database?


what does check opcode is used?


does anybody know about niit technologies ? how is that company ? any body working in that company ? please answer my question.I got selected in NIIT Technologies delhi.


What are the cobol coding sheets?


What's The Error Code For Unique Index Voilation?


how can we apply for HSBC exam(Mainframe) in India??? i went to their site and was told to submit my CV ,. etc..( totally confusing...)