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Crea QTP Interview Questions
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What are the features and benefits of Quick Test Pro(QTP)?


Explain the concept of Output values in Quick Test Professional?

1 2878

Explain Different types of Checkpoints in Quick Test Professional?

2 4478

Explain the Keyword View ?

2 3701

How Does Run time data (Parameterization) is handled in QTP?

2 3553

What is keyword view and Expert view in QTP?

1 3362

Explain about the Test Fusion Report of QTP?

1 3818

To which environments does a QTP support?

1 3775

What is QTP?

3 4113

Explain QTP testing process?

1 3152

Explain the QTP Tool interface.

2 5618

How QTP recognizes Objects in AUT?

1 2818

What are the types of Object Repository’s in QTP?

2 2772

How does QTP identifies the object in the application?

1 2736

If an application name is changes frequently i.e while recording it has name "Window1" and then while running its "Windows2" in this case how does QTP handles?

1 1955

Post New Crea QTP Interview Questions

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How to create user interfaces for lists?


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What are the causes of low compression in the main engine?


Explain the steps to use transact-sql cursor?


Can we use any class as map key?


What are the different ways to create variables in uipath ?


Have you ever used Counters in Hadoop. Give us an example scenario?


Why do we use public static void main in c#?


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What is the scope of stateful bean in spring?