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Crea SQL Server Interview Questions
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can any body tell me how to know the password of current user in sql server


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a table has 2 classifications 1)liabilities 2)earnings this liabitity has 2 elements with 2 input values and the earnings have 2 elements with 2 input values i wrote a query so that my input is liability savings amount1 amount2 xxxx null xxxxxx 0 xxx1 null xxxxx1 0 null yyyy 0 yyyy null yyy1 0 yyy1 my problem is --when i developed a report(d2k) with this data my o/p is liabilities,amount1,savings,amount2 xxxx xxxxxx xxx1 xxxxx1 yyyy yyyy yyy1 yyy1 how could i move this savings,savings values 2 palces up. can any body provide me witha better solution


Explain about Serialize and MarshalByRef?


explain what is the difference wcf and web services? : Wcf data services


What is .h and .m file in xcode?


What is a cathode ray oscilloscope (cro)?


What condition do we use in Cognos when multiple path exits to reach the fact table.(i.e in BOXI we use CONTEXT when multiple path exit)


How large is the .net framework 3.0?


Have you ever challenged, shaken old work methods.


Sir, Iam Applied in rrb for the posts of Junior Engineer.I want to know about the or question previews to study well.Pl send it to


What is private mode? When does user switch to user mode?


What does mysql flush tables do?


It is a 30 days project & the client is in Singapur and we have to submit daily report regarding 1) What are the completed works, 2) What are the Pending Works ,3) Work planed for next day. You are free to assume regarding the project. can anybody help me to write an email to the client or Senior person who is staying in abroad


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What is partial selectors?


What is the application of iot in government?