English paper of CGL-2010 (Tier-II).

Answer Posted / akash

Billy Arjan Singh

Lucknow: His last wish could be the best introduction to
wildlife enthusiast and Padma Vibhushan Billy Arjan Singh,
who passed away on Friday night. The 92-yearold wanted that
his ashes must be buried in ‘Tiger Haven’, his sprawling 50-
acre farm on the outskirts of the Dudhwa national park,
alongside the graves of his “most treasured friends”—two
leopards Juliet and Harriet Eli, a mongrel and two
female elephants. For the past 60 years, Billy—closely
related to the Kapurthala family—doggedly shunned human
company, naturally there was no reason for him to change
his mind at the fag end of the journey.
While women obviously ranked much below in the list of
favourites, his first love undoubtedly was Tara, the
tigress he brought home from Twycross Zoo, London, in 1076
as a cub. Reared by him, she was released into the wild by
Billy when fully grown. There are touching documentaries to
show the man-animal bonds, highlights spanning Tara’s
escapades, including his successful experiment with captive
breeding. However, much as the big cat brought her master
companionship and solace, Tara also triggered off a fierce
war between Billy and the UP forest department. Billy’s
contribution in setting up the Dudhwa National Park and
tiger reserve or Project Tiger would always be remembered by
wildlife lovers.
Billy’s fight against hunting put 26 professional
shikar companies out of job. Despite failing health, he had
filed a writ in the Allahabad high court against poaching in
Dudhwa. This is apart from a relentless battle he waged to
have the offending railway tracks running through Dudhwa
shifted to ensure its inhabitants a peaceful existence. The
only regret he had was “there was so much needed to be done
for tigers and so little time’’. The helplessness provoked
him to come up with some of the best one liners like, “If
only they could vote, tigers could have a much better chance
to survive.’’

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