vikash chnadra

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* Profession * s test engg
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Why cant a developer test his own software?

7 Testing AllOther 9509

Answers / { vikash chnadra }

Question { TCS, 58004 }

What is the need of testing? Give three reasons....


To certify the quality and atability of the product.
See a developer can develop products and check the
functionalies of the product .
A product can be made better only if goes through a proper
proccess of development,testing and bug fixing

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 4 No

Question { 6454 }

What is the Manual Testing?


Testing with a Testing tools is know as manual testing.
Check me if i have miss some thing or if i am wrong

Thanks & Regards,
Vikash Chandra

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 6 No

Question { 6454 }

What is the Manual Testing?


Sorry plz ignore my first answer( #4)

This what i wanted to write :

Testing without Testing tools is known as manual testing.

Thanks & Regards,
Vikash Chandra

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Question { 6687 }



Test planning is some thing which is planned by the Testing
HE/She decide how he/she is gone handle the project,
Its strategy,
How many tester would be involved & which part of the
project the selected tester would test.
Which all testing technique would be involved.

Tester only has to abide , what the testing Lead tells the
tester to do.
Tester only has executed the test case.
Some time they made even the make the test case.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { Midas Technologies, 7962 }

What is severiety and priority of the bug?how do they
effect u to report the defect in the builds?


Severiety- Is of a bug is defined by the Testing team. they
tell the developer team how is sever is the bug for the

Priority : It is defined by the developer lead , They define
how much priority the developer team should give to the bug
whether it should be fixed first or ....

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No