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Answers / { babitha }

Question { CTS, 25161 }

wht are the possible test cases for save button in notepad?


case1:if the notepad is fresh and going to save firs time
click save from file menu or by pressing Ctrl+s..
1.saveas dialog box should open with save and cancel button.
2.without giving name click on save button and sililarly
cancel button new notepad and try to save it with existing file
4.check the extension of notepad after saving.
case2:if the document exiss and modifying then..
click on save from file menu or press ctrl+s dialog box should not should save the
document and remain in that previous position..
2.After save the changes then check the save details in the

look,font,size,color,position of the button..
spelling of save on save button..

Is This Answer Correct ?    38 Yes 4 No

Question { IBM, 9843 }

What is the basis on which you can check a text box in a
web page or application?


look,font,size,position of the textbox...
default cursor position in text box...
default alignment in text box..
no of characters that text box can hold..
acceptance of different characters such as
numbers.alphabets,special characters..
either v can copy,cut,paaste the content from some doc to
that text box...

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 1 No

Question { CTS, 18682 }

write a test cases for 2- way swtich?


two switch should have wire connection and alsoget
connected with light.
Test case:
1.Have two switch
2.Switch on S1....result light should glow and switch s2
should be in off.
3.switch on s2...result light should be off...and switch s1
should off..

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 5 No

Question { Zycus Infotech, 33786 }

write the test cases on prime number with result?


Precondition:let the prime no be n
case1: expected o/p (prime no)result
divide the no n by 1 remainder=0 pass
divide the no n by n remainder=0 pass

divide the no n by 2 remainder!=0 pass
divide the no n by upto n-1 and if remanider not equal zero
then it is a prime no.

Is This Answer Correct ?    43 Yes 15 No

Question { Wipro, 8131 }

Tracability matrix?
what are test metrics?what is the use?
scope of testplan?
Test stratagy?
Entry ,Exit ,Suspention,Resumption criteria?
Diff b/w web server and appli server?
diff b/w web app and client server app?
diff b/w brs,srs?
what is Sla time?
Exp defect life cycle?
types of defects?
how do u decide project is 100% bug free?
How u send defect reports?
Testing Environments?
what is differed testing?
what is differed defects?
what r the base documents are recovered for test case design?

what r the base documents are recovered for test case execution?


Estimation:tells about the time /duration required to
complete the testing for the module which includes starting
from requirement analysis,test case creation,issues
created,defect report up to Test summary repot.
type of defects:
major->affects the important funtionalityi.e without these
function we cant proceed further to test further functions.
eg:navigating problem of screen from login page to account
page in yahoo mail
minor-> funcionalities affected but not independent to
further requirements.
eg:we can use checkmail option in by click on that
button.But we could not use that button by using arrow keys
Trivial:funcion is working good but with som minor prolem
like gui..
eg:checkmail button can be placed wrongly in the screen but
the purpose of checkmail is operaing corectly.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { Accenture, 27433 }

how to write test cases for "Browse" button.


Look size,font ,color of button.
spelling on button.
click and control.i.e once u click on the button the dialog
box/screen should come immediately.
browse button is displaying in all necessary places.
it should not displaying in unneccasary places.

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 4 No

Question { IBM, 30911 }

program to get the remainder and quotant of given two
numbers with out using % and / operators?


# include
# include
void main()

unsigned int dividened,divisor,quotient=0,remainder;

printf("\nenter a dividened");

printf("\n enter a divisor");

while(dividened >divisor)



printf("\n quotient of %d / %d is %d",
printf("\n remainder of %d / %d is %d",


Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 12 No

Question { 3254 }

what is differnence b/w macro & functions


macro: one line function;not having any return type and
argument so it would not report error even if any
misbehaves in fnction;not having return statement;
macros would be replaced by that functions/value where ever
macro name presents;if we need any later change in funcions
then modifing only at macro is neccssary, sicne it is
replacing wherever macro name presents.

functions:we would recieve error if the function call and
function prototypes are mismatch;xplicitly it should have
one return statement if the retrun type of fucntion is
aother than void;control from main function would jump to
function defintion of called fucntion if that function is
called rather than replacing the function;it may have moe
than one line function.If we want later change i fucntion
execution,then we need to modify on function prototype(if
modified),fucntion defintion and whereever that function is

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

Question { 21194 }

program to find the ASCII value of a number


# include
# include

void main()
char input;
printf("enter an input to get ascii of input");
printf("\n ascii of input %c: is %d",input,input);

Is This Answer Correct ?    39 Yes 19 No

Question { 6334 }

Tell me how to write a test case to test a search (general
search engine ) function that is present on almost all

Answer engine should has seperate tab to make a search.
2.seperate text box should be available. should accept vaild characters(alpha numeric) not a
special character. should have seperate features to search
images,videos,new...based on the selection it search tab
should change.
5.character width and font style of search text box should
be as per spec.
6.once u click search button with empty search text box,it
should not display any links.
7.enter valid search data in search text ox and click
search button it should didplay proper links. results should be based on extension type we have
entered in search box.i.e if u enter rose.jpeg in and click
on search button it should display only image links of
9.if entered data(both file extension and search data) in
search text box is not correct,search engine should suggest
us with corect spelling (both in file extension and sarch
10.the number of search results to be displayed should be
based on settings.
11.display results such as language,format,no.of
results,recent links/old links,from where to perform search
should be based on our settings.
12.advanced search tab should be available to set searching
13.if the search result is available for multipl page then
page numbers should be displayed at the bottom and also
each should have link.
14.all opened results should have link .i.e if u click on
the selacted results then that page should be open.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 0 No

Question { 3052 }

suppose u have raised one bug. you have posted to that
concerned developer..he can't accept that is a bug. what
will u do in the next stage?


bug origin:product/application/code
1.developer has to justify/comment the reason and valid
status for rejection
2.if the raised comment is valid then close the bugs with
their comment and mentioned it in test report.
3.if the justified comment from developer is not valid i.e
bug is not reproducible then we should reproduce it before
them and then reopen it.
but in code wise u cannot reproduce it but u can make them
to understand about that code flow coz of the raised bug OR
u can also create scripts and run before them to show the
vailidity of bug.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Question { HCL, 8719 }

disadvantages of realloc ?


define:void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
it modifies the existing size of block to new size with
copies of existing data.simply it add/delete the memory of
existed pointer based on new size without changing its
contents and it returns the pointer of first location.
possible cases:
1.if size >0,ptr is not null->modify the ptr with new size
and return pointer of 1st location.
2.if size is 0,ptr is not null->it would not change the
size of pointer but delete the existing contents.
3.if size >0,ptr is null->create new ptr with that size and
return that new pointer.
4.if there is not enough space to rellocate ptr,then it
return null pointer with out changing the block of data.
case 2 and 4 are disadvantages,since orignial contents are
getting deleted and also if we trying to use null pointer
then it would crash the program.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Question { 13033 }

what are the testcases for square


1.square should have four measurements
2.minimum measure should be >= to 1.( it should not be
3.all four measurements should be equal in length and units.
4.two diagnoals length should be equal.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 4 No

Question { 15554 }

Writing Test Cases is Verification or Validation?
Executing Test Cases is Verification or Validation?


writing test case is a test data required to test the
application.Test data may be input/setup/procure to
it should not be verification or validation.

executing test cases is a vaildation.since checking the
correctness of created application /code with the test data.

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 7 No

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