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What is use of ContextUtil class?

2 COM+ 9160

What is the new three features of COM+ services, which are not there in COM (MTS) ?

3 COM+ 7387

Is the COM architecture same as .Net architecture? What is the difference between them ?

3 COM+ 6326

What are cascaded style sheets?

1 Design Patterns 4069

what is cascading order?

1 Design Patterns 4175

Give the syntax of css?

1 Design Patterns 4307

What is grouping in CSS?

1 Design Patterns 4631

How to add CSS styles Styles to Elements with Particular Attributes?

1 Design Patterns 5094

What are External Style Sheets?

1 Design Patterns 3865

Explain Internal Style Sheets?

1 Design Patterns 4059

Explain Inline Style Sheet?

1 Design Patterns 5503

How to present data from Crystal Reports on to form?

3 Crystal Reports 14314

How to Filter the Crystal reports?

CCIL, Mammut Building Systems,

12 Crystal Reports 55418

How can you create Cursor with parametres ?

3 SQL PLSQL 7317

How you will create Toad Function?

1 SQL PLSQL 16644

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