Un-Answered Questions { Business Management }

If for item A wastage as per SION is 5% & actual wastage is 12%; then what action is to be taken while preparing application for Advance Authorization?


Bonjour Incroyable , mais VRAI ,il y a trop d'escroquerie dans les offres de prêt entre particulier ,donc faite attention a l'Afrique. Moi j'ai visité un site d'annonce du Canada de prêt entre particulier sérieux^partout dans le monde et j'ai connu une Dame formidable, du nom de Mme Maryvonne de nationalité francaise qui aide les gens en leur faisant des prêts et qui m'a accordé un prêt de 350000¤ pour l'achat d'un immobilier que je dois rembourser sur 20ans avec un très faible interêt de sa part soit 3% l'ans.Avant que je ne recoive le montant , j'ai juste souscris une assurance de 2450¤ sur toute ma durée de prêt et là le lendemain matin j'ai reçu l'argent sans payer aucun frais ou taxe de Banque.Besoin de credit personnel ,vos banque refuse de vous accorder de pret,vous etes en CDI et autre de vous adresser à lui et vous serrez satisfait mais attention à vous qui n'aimez pas rembourser les prêts. Voici son mail : maryvonne.loan@gmail.com


How to motivate a sales rep


whats the differance between ABM and MR.


Hi to all Q: how you will evaluate yourself in excel if any the range one is worst and five is excellent. Mail if you know the answer to imaanbalu@gmail.com


Why you quite your job in six months??


Difference between BI and BW


"You r bourn intelligent ",your education is just a waste of time (you have to answer in support of the statement )?


why are choose the transformer ratings in KVA?


Can anyone tell me what is exactly mean by employer mapping in recruitment


How can we get TIN No and CST NO. ? How much is the expence for the issue. What is the procedure and regulation to get above said things?


What is mean by Duty-Draw Back? And what's of benefit under Duty-Drawback?... Please explain.


Hi All, I am a IT professional and I have 4 years of Exp. I am financially not equipped to do a full time MBA and I want to know if any good MBA colleges that provides Executive MBA program and that will significantly improve my Career and also get me more abroad opportunities. Please help me with the information. Thanks in Advance


How can a successful and thorough systems analysis be ruined by a poor system design? Answer the question relative to these factors: a) The impact on the subsequent systems implimentation phase. b: The lifetime of the system after it is placed inti operation c) The impact on future projects


what are the necessary qualities for the successful personnel manager