Un-Answered Questions { IT Management }

I didn't see any category for Project Management. What are the activities, documents; how to plan, schedule and monitor tasks, statuses, people...?


Is any one has SAP GTS( Global Trade Services)Reading and Exercise material. If so, please e-mail me.


What are the practices you follow for closing a project and meeting the conditions required to establish closure?


What type of questions will be asked in Bank of India Computer Officers (IT) exam? Will someone provide me the sample paper of Bank of India Computer Officer (IT) exam?


Can you help me what kind of PM interview questions company can ask based on below job description?: *Work with business development, editorial, marketing and other departments as needed to understand and prioritize project requests. *Work with online creative, IT, and development departments to gather and disseminate project requirements. *Maintain weekly web projects production calendar *Assist in the quality assurance process associated with code releases to development, staging and production servers. *Participate in planning meetings for new site initiatives. Document, clarify and articulate requirements and bring thoughts to the discussion. *Distribute reports summarizing project milestones and associated tasks. *Create rough wireframes and functional diagrams for developers using Microsoft Visio. *Work with third party vendors to procure services associated with web development. *Work with our partners to ensure deliverables and associated tasks stay on track. Can you help me what kind of PM question company can ask based on above job description?


could you provide me the information regarding UNIVESAL WORK LIST(UWL)?this question is regarding SAP EP.


what do u mean by altkey?


what four attribut in business case?


What are the key performance indicators of Business process analyst?


sir iam going for an interview on feb 2nd week and i would like too ask questions that they will pose too me 1:i hav choosen conchordia wisconsin why these university what should b my answer 2:i had selected mis in mba from conchordioa university why these course if they question wat should b my answer 3:and last question is wat is guarantee u will come bck my dad works as a production manager in saudi arabia soo wat should b my anser too them because i am going for mba wat should b my answer for return gurantee pls reply too me it will b gr8 off u yours sicerly


From where I should start to prepare for cat?


7. (a) How do you implement internal controls in IT systems? (b) How to design internal controls over financial reporting, when financial reporting is performed totally from the software application? Explain briefly the major points. (c) What are the additional controls needed, when the software interfaces are webbased? Explain the materiality of the payroll processing functions to be performed by webinterfaces from the control perspective.


What are your strengths and talents?


what is the difference between BI and pervasive BI?


hi i am doing cause study about Enterprising young IT Entrepreneur who has recently started a small business running web hosting services for SME (Small to Medium Enterprise). You frequently need to meet (potential) clients to sell your services to them. You do so with presentations and demonstrations of your products. You will also want to install certain development software for your software development projects. So what software to use? need a server? what types of hosting should i use?