what happen if drive input fail momentry at 48.5 HZ frequency?
What are the components connected in between the power supply coming from an electric pole to HT & LT Panels in a large commercial building or how the power supply connected from Electric pole to Transformer & then to the HT & LT panels of a building? Please send me answers via mail, my id is yogiagarwal@gmail.com. If possible, please give a line diagram.
plese send me the oces/dgfs sylabus and previous year question pattern of electrical engg.?
how to calculate the settings for shaft ct protn in hydro generators
what would happen if reactive power (kvar)is increased (more)or decreased (less)? how much exact reactive power should be maintained? and what should be done for that
What is I to C?
What are test values for an 63 KVA and 100 Kva Distribution Transformers for the following typical tests 1)Magnetic balance 2)Short circuit test 3)Open Circuit test 4)Vector group confirmation test .please give me the standard values for all the above tests.
Terminal blocks is used for segregate the connections... There is any principle for terminal block..?
what is physical distance of isolator to VCB in 33/11kv sub stations
what kn of disc is used in 33kv,132kv,220kv,400kv,800kv transmission line
i want use the cable size 16cx4 core aluminium usege watts 240x2000w this cable size is correct?
what are the values of VRY,VYB,VBR,Vry,Vyb,Vbr,Vrn,Vyn,Vbn for Magenetic balance test of 100 KVA and 63 KVA Distribution transformer
what exactly commisioning work does in electrical site work... LT side?..
What are the causes for the failures of sandwich type (Al) busducts?