What is the rotor frequency of 10 Hp 1440 RPM 50HZ 415V ?
how to calculate the tarriff for an industry whose kva demand is 10 mva
what is basic difference betmeen normal & flame proof motor??
what is meant by the phrase 'static load' in case of shorting in a generator excitation system?
how a.c. genarator control power factor when its conected to grid supply by incrising or decresing excitation voltage.
what reason of line current and phase current in star connection and line current and phase current not equal in delta connection?
As we know induction squirrel cage motor torque Directly praprortinal to applied voltage in star connection & delta also. If I connect 55KW Motor to DOL starter in load condition does motor withstand the load & what will be the current withdrawn ? motor will not fail ?
If a shunt Dynamo has induced emf 100V and 0.4 ohm resistance and battery of accumulator of open circuit emf 110V and 0.5 Ohm resistance are in parallel what is common terminal potential difference?
Graphs of measuring power and speed on dc motor
Can we Co-ordinate relay in Load Break switch?
in conventional fan regulators how the current varies with speed?
how to size H.T & L.T Panel ?
How much earthing frequency is capable?
how does WTI work ?
What is the rate of WCT on the Electrical Contracts comprising of DG Sets and Civil Works in Delhi ?