An impedance of 100 ohms resistance and an unknown inductance is connected across the capacitor. The resulting impedance is a pure resistance of 500 ohms ifω = 10^5 rad/sec. calculate the values of inductor and capacitor.
Why GRR starts from 60% of motor speed why not less than 60%?
if sf6 gas low in gis what will happen
How to test lightning Arrester?
During FEED, you will have all the information with regards to cable. How will you calculate the MTO for MV and LV Cables? what are your considerations?
Why need 3phase machine double earthing?
How to calculate Number of Earthing Pits....???
why transformer ratings in kva? & DG ratings in kva? & Motor ratings in kw/HP?
how to calculate units consumption for a 12 hp motor /hr.
what is the best transformer oil breakdown voltage?
what is circuit breaker in transfomer and where it used
DG cranking voltage?
What must be the distance between the Earth pit which are grounded from two different sources. Example: Distance between the earth pit for LV Panel-1 & 2
Vaccum circuit breaker