What is ypor opinion about the launch of the Public
Defence Service?

What is ypor opinion about the launch of the Public Defence Service? ..

Answer / sharad taori

Where is the PDS?
The PDS has two offices - one in central Auckland, and one
in the commercial centre of Manukau. Both offices are
minutes from the local District Court.

Who is the PDS?
The PDS is a team of specialist criminal lawyers headed by
the Public Defender. PDS lawyers operate as any other
lawyer in their independence and professionalism to achieve
the best result for the client - the only difference is
that PDS staff work as part of an experienced team.

How does the PDS work?
Criminal defendants applying for legal aid can choose a
private legal aid lawyer if they know one they'd like to
represent them, or they can choose the PDS to represent
them for their case.

If they don't have a preferred lawyer, or if the preferred
lawyer isn't suitable for their case, the Legal Services
Agency will assign an appropriate lawyer. The Agency may
assign either a private legal aid lawyer or the PDS.

Working with the community
PDS staff will consult with local community groups and
individuals during the pilot to ensure it is meeting local

PDS staff will develop relationships with local community
service providers, including referral relationships

The pilot will be evaluated through a formal five-year
evaluation. Recommendations on the future of the pilot will
be made after local consultation.

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