Montu, Bantu, Chantu and Pintu have pets.

Montu says, "If Pintu and I each have a dog, then exactly
one of Bantu and Chantu has a dog."

Bantu says, "If Chantu and I each have a cat, then exactly
one of Montu and Pintu has a dog."

Chantu says, "If Montu and I each have a dog, then exactly
one of Bantu and Pintu has a cat."

Pintu says, "If Bantu and I each have a cat, then exactly
one of Bantu and I has a dog."

Only one of the four is telling the truth. Who is telling
the truth?

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Montu, Bantu, Chantu and Pintu have pets. Montu says, "If Pintu and I each have a dog, then..

Answer / guest

Bantu is telling the truth.

For a IF-THEN statement to be false, IF part has to be true
and THEN part has to be false.

Since only one statement is true and remaining three are
false, IF part of three statements are true & THEN part of
one statement is true. Let's put the given information in
table. The pet-name in the normal text represents the IF
part and the pet-name in round brackets represents the THEN

Montu Bantu Chantu Pintu

Montu says Dog (Dog) (Dog) Dog

Bantu says (Dog) Cat Cat (Dog)

Chantu says Dog (Cat) Dog (Cat)

Pintu says Cat

(Dog) Cat


It is clear that the IF part of the statements made by
Montu, Chantu and Pintu are true as they do not contradict
each other. And the IF part of the statement made by Bantu
is false.

Thus, Bantu is telling the truth.

Montu have a Dog and may or may not have a Cat.

Bantu have a Cat.

Chantu have a Dog.

Pintu have a Dog and a Cat.

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Montu, Bantu, Chantu and Pintu have pets. Montu says, "If Pintu and I each have a dog, then..

Answer / loni

Montu is speaking the truth because of the 4 only 1 of them
is speaking the truth.the rest 3 are mentioning of owning a
cat and a dog,while montu is mentioning of owning only dogs.

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