what is the difference between dbms and rdbms?
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Answer / dsr
dbms-->database management system.It as no relations in all
rdbms-->relational database management system.It as
different relationships in different tables.(i.e primary
key,foriegn key..)
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Answer / eshwari
DBMS: Managing the data in different tables is called data
base management system.
RDBMS:managing the data in different tables with some
relations between the tables is called relational database
management system.
to become a dbms as rdbms it should support 12 E.F.codd's rules.
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Answer / senthilvel
DBMS - Database management system is a database where it
has no relationship with the tables.
RDBMS - Relational Database Management System is database
where the tables has relationship and also it should
support the 12 boyscodd rules.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 3 No |
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