What is the difference between constant pointer and pointer
to a constant. Give examples.

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What is the difference between constant pointer and pointer to a constant. Give examples...

Answer / vignesh1988i

Constant pointer :
it is a pointer which points to the same memory location or
to same address and and whatever value the variable which is
pointed by the pointer holds.
for eg :
char a;
char const *p;
here var. a is a memory location having a address and that
variable contains some character data . but this pointer
p points to the same address ( a ) however the value in
var. a changes. finally, THE POINTER POINTED TO AN ADDRESS

this is a pointer which points to a constant variable
assigned to that pointer. and another pointer can also be
assigned to a same const. variable to point to.

for eg :
char Const a;
char *p,*q;

thank u

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What is the difference between constant pointer and pointer to a constant. Give examples...

Answer / santosh

Pointer to constant: If pointer is pointing to constant
variable is caller pointer to constant. We can not change
the value of that constant.
const int constVariable = 6;
int *ptrConstVar = &constVariable;

Constant Pointer: We declare a pointer as constant. We can
change the content pointed by pointer. But we can not do any
airthmatic operation on the pointer like increment or decrement.
int localVariable =10;
const int *p = &localVariable;

we can not do p++ or p--;

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 8 No

What is the difference between constant pointer and pointer to a constant. Give examples...

Answer / abhradeep chatterjee

ya, vignesh, your answer is correct. thanx for giving such
a good answer.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 0 No

What is the difference between constant pointer and pointer to a constant. Give examples...

Answer / prashant

the example given by Santosh for "Constant Pointer" is wrong .
int * const p = &localVariable;
instead of const int *p = &localVariable;.

then we cant do p++ or p--;

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

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