A square plot of some size , at four corners equal squares
of some size are cut and is formed as open box. If this
open box carries 128ml of oil. What is the size of the plate
i.e. side a.17 b.14 c.13

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A square plot of some size , at four corners equal squares of some size are cut and is formed as o..

Answer / vikram

plate is of 12X12 size




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A square plot of some size , at four corners equal squares of some size are cut and is formed as o..

Answer / addddddddddd

cube root of 5 is 125 so 128 is nearer to 125 and hence 5+5+5=15 and the nearest answer amongst options is 17 so 17 is correct answer:) yipppy........

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A square plot of some size , at four corners equal squares of some size are cut and is formed as o..

Answer / skk

et, side of original plate be =x
also, side of the square at the corners= a
so, when the square at the corner is cut off, the length of the box is=x-2a
similarly, the breadth of the box is=x-2a
the height of the box would be invariably=a
so, the dimension of the open box=(x-2a)*(x-2a)*a=a*(x-2a)^2
so, we need to factorize 128 so that we get a square term & an integer.
case 1. 128=2*2*2*2*2*2*2=(2*2*2*2*2)*2*2=32*2*2
so, a=32, x-2a=2, x=2*32+2=66
case 2. 128=2*2*2*2*2*2*2=(2*2*2)*(2*2)*(2*2)=8*4*4
so, a=8, x-2a=4, x=2*8+4=20
case 3. 128=2*2*2*2*2*2*2=2*(2*2*2)*(2*2*2)=2*8*8
so, a=2, x-2a=8, x=2*2+8=12
so, the possible values of the side of the original square plate are 66, 20 & 12
none of these match the answer options provided in a. , b. or c.
so, the correct choice is d. or none

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