What are the differences between a struct in C and in C++?

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What are the differences between a struct in C and in C++?..

Answer / swetcha

C structure does not support member functions to be
declared in the structure whereas C++ structure can have
member functions declared in them

Is This Answer Correct ?    34 Yes 3 No

What are the differences between a struct in C and in C++?..

Answer / anoop chaurasiya

c structure does not support the concept of data hiding but
in approach of c++ class support the concept of data hiding.

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 5 No

What are the differences between a struct in C and in C++?..

Answer / shakti singh khinchi

In C, structures never support constructors and destructors
whereas C++ supports both of them.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 1 No

What are the differences between a struct in C and in C++?..

Answer / shakti singh khinchi

In C, structures does not support "virtual" mechanism like
virtual functions whereas C++ structures supports virtual
mechanism like classes.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 0 No

What are the differences between a struct in C and in C++?..

Answer / jyoti

C++ was based on C and retains a great deal of the
functionality. C++ does not retain complete source-level
compatability with C. There are a few gotchas for C++
programmers trying to write C code, and C programmers trying
to compile with a C++ compiler.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 8 No

What are the differences between a struct in C and in C++?..

Answer / aditya

nathing to nswer please show

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

What are the differences between a struct in C and in C++?..

Answer / uyvgyu

thanks. it was helpful. now go yourself.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 5 No

What are the differences between a struct in C and in C++?..

Answer / nithin

what is the use of struct in c then? wat advantages does it

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 8 No

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